Dear Reader,
Yes, you read that right. We’re asking you not to make a single gift to us today. Why would we say that? Hear us out…
Reason #1: We’re in this for the long haul, and we hope you are, too. There’s a ton of focus on today as one of the biggest giving days of the year — but it’s only one day. Giving Tuesdays come and go, but whatever the time of year, there will always be new information that people in our region need. Each of the 300+ stories we publish in a year takes time, talent and resources to produce. While making a one-time gift today would be deeply appreciated, the support we receive from monthly donors is truly a key part of how we’re able to do this work.
Reason #2: The match for monthly gifts is 11 times greater than it is for a one-time gift. New monthly gifts are matched 12 times, extending the impact of your support for a full 365 days. Sure, one-time gifts are doubled (and that’s fantastic!)... but you don’t have to be one of our award-winning investigative journalists to crunch these numbers. Making a new monthly gift is simply the best way to help your gift go further.
Reason #3: You can get great gifts for loved ones — at a special price — when you start a monthly donation instead. Our beautiful zippered tote bag is normally available for those giving $7/month or more. Today only, it’s available when you start a gift of $5/month or more — perfect for the Pittsburgher who has everything. Or, gift them a one-year digital New York Times subscription — normally available at $17/month, available today only for $12/month. It’s the ideal gift for someone who doesn’t want clutter, but does want to stay in the know.