Dear John, Rakia lives in a remote village in southern Niger with her husband and 2-year-old son. She suffered from the advanced stage of trachoma...

The Carter Center
Your gift to end blinding trachoma in Niger will be doubled.

Giving Tuesday

Dear John,

Rakia lives in a remote village in southern Niger with her husband and 2-year-old son. She suffered from the advanced stage of trachoma, which caused her eyelashes to turn inward, scratching the surface of her corneas with each blink.

Rakia was in constant pain. Without help, she would end up permanently blind.

Dr.Abdou Ousseini

Dr. Abdou Ousseini examines Rakia for signs of inward-turning eyelashes that can cause permanent corneal damage and irreversible blindness.


Thankfully, with the assistance of The Carter Center, a medical team was mobilized to reach Rakia and other members of her community to perform the simple 20-minute surgery that stopped their pain and prevented further damage.

Freed from the threat of this debilitating disease, Rakia and her neighbors have been given a second chance. They've returned to tending their fields and caring for their families. Their children have gained hope for a brighter future.

This is what your gift can do. And today, with a generous match from the Hilton Foundation, your donation will be doubled, helping us reach twice as many people in the resource-limited nation of Niger.

What an amazing #GivingTuesday gift for a person like Rakia.

On this special day, please show your generosity to help build hope and alleviate suffering by making a gift to end blinding trachoma. Please take this opportunity to do twice as much good in the world. Thank you for your support!
Paige Alexander
Paige Alexander
Chief Executive Officer
The Carter Center
Paige Alexander
P.S. There's no better way to take part in #GivingTuesday than to fight a disease that causes pain, stigma, and a continued cycle of poverty. Your gift today can prevent blindness and restore hope and progress for vulnerable people like Rakia. Thank you!
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