The COVID-19 pandemic has left thousands dead and millions unemployed, upending our society and throwing our economy into a tailspin. Now it’s even more clear: we need Medicare for all. We need stronger social safety nets. We need to be bailing out working families, not giant corporations. We need the policies Bernie Sanders has been championing for decades.
That’s why we’re writing to you today. Bernie may have suspended his campaign, but you can and should still vote for him in the upcoming DC primary (now set for June 2).
Apply for a DC mail-in ballot so you can vote for Bernie in the primary!

Why? If Bernie wins over 25% of total delegates going into the Democratic Party convention, then he’ll be able to help shape the Party rules and platform going into the general election. Anything less, and we risk losing the progressive reforms we’ve fought so hard for--reforms that will be crucial for energizing young and progressive voters and defeating Donald Trump in November. If we want a Democratic Party ready to support ordinary Americans through this pandemic--not billionaires--then we need to win more delegates for Bernie.
How do we do that? Election rules have changed in response to the pandemic, so we wanted to send you the most up-to-date information. DC’s presidential primary is being held on June 2. Because of the pandemic, all registered voters have the option to vote by mail, as long as they apply by the Tuesday May 26th deadline.
Click here to apply for your DC absentee/mail-in ballot before May 26!
Applying for an absentee/mail-in ballot is easy: just click on the link above, fill out the online application form, and then either email, mail, or fax it to the Board of Elections. Either way, just follow the instructions on the website, and make sure to get your application in by Tuesday, May 26 at 4:45pm ET. Once it is received and processed, the Board of Elections will send you your mail-in ballot, to be returned by election day. To make sure you can participate, you should start this process as soon as possible.
Voting by mail means you won’t have to choose between casting your vote and safeguarding the health of your family and community. Because even in a pandemic--especially in a pandemic--democracy must go on. Join your neighbors in keeping our democracy going through this crisis, and voting for the progressive agenda that will see us through it.
-- The RootsAction.org Team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.