Tony Montalto here – father of Gina Montalto and president of Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe Schools.

Hi friend,

Tony Montalto here – father of Gina Montalto and president of Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe Schools. 

I wanted to give you all an update on progress to hitting our $10,000 fundraising goal before Giving Tuesday. We currently have over $5K left to raise by midnight tomorrow. Do you think you would be able to chip in to support our fundraiser today?


Friend, it means the world to me and the other Parkland victims’ families to know that there are folks like you who care deeply about the school safety movement. When you’re spending every free minute you have trying to make change on an issue like we are, knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference. 

Thanks to the support of folks like you, we’ve been able to play a pivotal role in:

  • Passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant piece of school safety legislation our nation has passed in the last decade;
  • Collaborating on the creation of, our federal government’s first central school safety resource hub;
  • Meeting with countless policymakers from county officials, state and federal lawmakers to Presidents, driving their agendas to prioritize the issue of school safety;
  • And so much more…

Friend, there is still so much more that we’re working to accomplish to make schools safer. We are hoping to be able to propel our work forward with this Giving Tuesday fundraiser, but we need your help. Please continue to assist our school safety movement by sending in a donation of any amount.


Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. 

— Tony Montalto
President of Stand with Parkland


This email was sent to [email protected]

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Stand with Parkland
5944 Coral Ridge Dr. #273
Coral Springs, FL 33076
United States