Olive the Owl here! 🦉 I’m nocturnal and usually asleep during the day, but I couldn’t contain my excitement and had to reach out. I may not know much about this “Cyber Monday” thing, but I’ve got an incredible opportunity for you:
Right now, your gift to the Save the Redwoods League will go three times as far, thanks to a special match. Every dollar up to $100,000 will have three times the impact towards saving Sonoma Coast Redwoods—forever. Owl have to admit, that’s fantastic news!
Triple Your Gift: Protect Sonoma Coast Redwoods »
You can do something incredible today—protect the breathtaking, resilient redwood forests of Sonoma Coast Redwoods from development and preserve it’s natural beauty for future generations.
Whooo would benefit from saving Sonoma Coast Redwoods? Well… everyone!
Owls like me depend on redwoods to make our homes. Other native species like the rare Sonoma spineflower and Sonoma tree vole flourish here too. The entire forest is teeming with biodiversity. It’s a special and truly iconic redwood landscape along California's rugged coast.
I know humans like you love redwood forests like Sonoma Coast Redwoods as well. Protecting this property will help increase public access and recreation opportunities, safeguard centuries of cultural history, and preserve the incredible carbon storage capacity of these redwood forests.
Match my Giving TREESday Gift »
Today may be Cyber Monday, but I like thinking about it as Giving TREESday Eve instead!
Tomorrow is an important day for the redwoods. If we can meet our $100,000 goal, we’ll be one step closer to protecting Sonoma Coast Redwoods, forever.
Owls like me can’t exactly make a Giving TREESday gift (they won’t let me open a bank account, I’ve tried. I just wing it with my investments), but YOU can make a difference for me and all the wildlife that make our home here. John, will you make your gift now while it will go 3X as far?
Yours Truly,
Olive the Northern Spotted Owl 🦉 |
P.S. I forgot to say: thank you! Friends like you whooo love our forests and help protect them are the best. We’re owl in this together and your Giving TREESday gift means a whole lot!