Our community is at a turning point. Can you help?
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

Make a gift for Care Giving Day Now

John, tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. We know it’s a little unusual to reach out the day before to ask for support, but these are not normal times.

Our community is at a turning point. Domestic workers — nannies, housecleaners, and care workers — are on the front lines of one of the most tumultuous and consequential periods in history.

To be prepared, we’ve set an ambitious goal: to raise $20,000 by the end of Giving Tuesday to help us be ready to endure and lead.

John, can you help us jump-start our fundraising by making a contribution today?

If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a link.

Hope is not lost amongst our community. We are ready to fight, to endure, and to lead as we face an uncertain reality that will have profound effects on our communities.

Generations of domestic and care workers have paved the path we will follow. Their legacy of care has taught us that we all need to stand together and hold each other up, which is why we want to be prepared for everything coming our way.

Every dollar donated to help us reach our $20,000 Giving Tuesday goal will help us sustain and strengthen our movement, ensuring domestic workers can lead with dignity and resilience in 2025 and beyond.

John, can you make a generous donation today to help us be ready to face the enormous challenges we have ahead?

DONATE $20 →

Thanks for all you do,

The NDWA Team