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Religious leaders in South Asian communities are failing child sexual abuse victims as their cultures are 'shrouded in secrecy, shame and denial', the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has heard.
Catholic churches should be allowed to reopen before Pentecostal churches, or mosques owing to their different styles of worship, the leader of the Catholic church in England and Wales has said.
The body of an Orthodox Jewish man who died on Monday has been released for burial after community leaders and lawyers appeared to renew hostilities with Inner North London Coroner Mary Hassell.
A video of the controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik is doing the rounds on social media that shows him urging all the Islamic nations to gather the data of non-Muslims living in India who have criticised Islam, so that they can be arrested if and when they land in their country. The Charity Commission have recently opened an inquiry into a charity of which Naik is a trustee, following complaints from the NSS.
After the film Hide and Seek was seen by almost 80,000 people on YouTube, Polish archbishop Wojciech Polak called on the Vatican to "launch proceedings" into the cases in question.
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