Hi there,
Patrick McKee here.
First, I want to say that I recognize there are so many causes to care about right now. We only have so much to give.
And I believe that donating to The Humane League is one of the most effective ways for our dollars to have a positive impact on the world.
Intensive animal agriculture is at the heart of the biggest crises we face today. It’s one of the largest drivers of climate change, widespread pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. It’s a threat to public health, from antibiotic resistance to future pandemics. By the numbers, factory farming is the greatest source of suffering that exists on this planet.
Forcing an animal to spend three months in a cage the size of her own body is wrong. Taking a newborn calf away from his mother, as she desperately tries to follow, is wrong. Roasting an animal alive—the horrific fate of millions of chickens just this year, “depopulated” to prevent further spread of avian flu—is wrong.
When so much in the world is nuanced and complicated, the need to end factory farming has a refreshing moral clarity.
I read this in an article from Vox: “The average experience of this planet is that of an animal in a cage.”
Over the last decade, the egg industry has seen a sweeping transformation. For the first time ever, the percentage of egg-laying hens outside cruel battery cages has climbed above 40% in the US. To me, this is proof that this industry can change. And not because it’s good for profits. Simply because of public pressure from people like you.
I’m doubling your gift right now. If you’re able, please consider joining me in supporting this urgent and critical mission.
If not us, who?
Patrick McKee
Matching Donor |