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** December 1, 2024
We’ve come an enormous way since our first rodeo investigation in 1993, but we still have a long way to go. SHARK’s 2024 year of action began with the sorry spectacle of a Major League baseball team - the San Diego Padres - sponsoring rodeo animal abuse.
SHARK teamed up with the California-based Animal Protection and Rescue League, headed by attorney Bryan Pease, who filed a lawsuit to challenge the rodeo. Our legal efforts to stop the 2024 rodeo failed, but our lawsuit to stop future events continues.
January 12, the very first night of the rodeo, a panicked horse ran into a fence at full
speed. The horse immediately fell to the ground, and never got back up. There was never any question in our minds that the horse was mortally injured.
Predictably, rodeo thugs wouldn’t discuss the details of the incident, but claimed that the horse would be OK. We knew they were lying. SHARK’s painstaking, months-long investigation, leaves no question that Waco Kid died.
Rodeo veterinarian Tim Eastman’s injury report, which is required by
The horse, Waco Kid, running into a fence at the San Diego Rodeo at Petco Park
California law, gave no information whatsoever about the nature of the horse's injuries, treatment or prognosis, so SHARK filed a complaint with the California Veterinary Medical Board. After a so-called “investigation” the CVMB stated:
“Dr. Eastman has been educated of the laws and regulations governing the practice of veterinary medicine and that any future violations, if substantiated, may result in disciplinary action.”
In other words, the CVMB admits Eastman, who has been a practicing veterinarian for DECADES, didn’t follow the law. Even worse, the CVMB but won’t do anything about it. Pitiful.
SHARK’s fight against this and other rodeos continues.
SHARK’s Crush Cockfighting campaign hit hard in 2024, and is gaining more traction every year. We were pleased to see increased police response to our calls in Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas.
Sometimes cockfighters are busted by the police, and prosecuted, which is as it should be. Sometimes, police who are too close to cockfighters merely make them stop what they are doing, even though cockfighting is illegal everywhere throughout the United States by both federal and state laws. In any case, cockfighters are under tremendous pressure from our exposure, and it shows.
Cars outside an active cockfight
(SHARK drone footage)
The headline “Hindi Arrested” in the
OGFC March Newsletter
A group of cockfighters calling themselves the “Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission” offered a $10,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of SHARK President Steve Hindi or Wayne Pacelle, the president of Animal Wellness Action. SHARK and AWA have conducted some joint operations. The “Commission” never stated what they thought Steve and Wayne could
be arrested for, since neither have committed any crimes.
Further showing its desperation, the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission posted completely fictitious news that Steve Hindi was arrested! This of course never happened, and they quickly removed the post when we called them out.
Things got serious at one point when a group of Mississippi cockfighters in multiple vehicles tried to ambush Steve through the backroads of Tippah County, Mississippi. Fortunately, the Tippah County Sheriff's Department stepped in and broke up the pursuit.
Although there were a number of successes in the 2024 cockfighting season, our fight is far from over. I hope we can count on your support to keep this campaign on track.
In February 2024, SHARK learned of a group of very wealthy pigeon shooters known as the United States Flyers Federation. The sickos of the USFF hold pigeon shoots in different parts of the county each year. Can you imagine that? These clowns have more money than God, and they spend their time shooting at small, nonthreatening birds tossed out of boxes at close range.
Young person swinging injured bird at
a pigeon shoot
Pile of white feathers from being ripped
from pigeons at a pigeon shoot
We droned a shoot at the Quail Creek Sporting Ranch, a shooting club in Okeechobee, Florida. Quail Creek is owned by pigeon shooter Troy Link, the president and chief executive officer of Jack Link’s Beef Jerky. Link and his rich, sicko friends spent two days massacring more than 15,000 pigeons for their sick bloodlust.
Each of these animal abusers have a great deal of money - tons of it - but they are completely bankrupt when it comes to any ethics or compassion. They’re also a bunch of cowards who don’t have the nerve to stand up to anyone from SHARK. SHARK president Steve Hindi got Troy Link on the phone at one point, but the call lasted only as long as it took for Link to realize who he was talking to, and then “Jackie Boy” was on the run.
In May, SHARK teamed up with Animal Wellness Action to drone another USFF pigeon shoot in Cataula, Georgia. There’s no “man up” in Troy Link or any of his twisted friends. They can’t stand up to real people. These cowards can only go up against exhausted, starved and dehydrated pigeons.
2024 is SHARK’s third year of focusing heavily on steer tailing - the most cruel and deadly rodeo event we’ve seen. I am happy to report that although we still have a ways to go, we have made significant progress.
In Illinois, three counties have taken positive action - Will County, McHenry County, and most recently, DeKalb County. Most recently, DeKalb Sheriff Andrew Sullivan filed charges after speaking out against the cruelty to his county board.
Boone County is a “perfect storm” of corruption. It seems that everyone in the county is either corrupt, or afraid to take the corruption on. The center of the corruption is the Boone County State’s Attorney’s Office - the very agency that should be leading the fight against the illegal cruelty! All the entities around the state’s attorney - the people who issue permits, Animal Services, the sheriff’s office, and the county board refuse to call out the state’s attorney.
Ogle County is the other place that is showing its corruption, and we intend to amplify that message to the world. Ogle County Board Chairman John Finfrock thinks he’ll be able to wait us out until we go away. He’s in for a big disappointment.
Between Boone and Ogle Counties, along with Illinois’ Attorney General and Governor, we are embarrassed to see so many corrupt cowards in SHARK's home state, but we’re not going to leave it at that. The New Year will see SHARK break out a huge operation to expose, and then wash out the crooks in Illinois. Our nonhuman friends may not have a voice, but we do, and SHARK’s roar will be heard worldwide!
Steer being shocked in the genitals
Our steer tailing campaign will be nationwide campaign, just as our Crush Cockfighting Campaign is, and our efforts against pigeon shoots, and rodeos generally. First, we have to clean up the dirt in our own back yard. Time to break out the industrial strength bleach!
There is no other animal protection organization in the world that does what SHARK does. That’s not a brag, it’s a frustrated complaint. I’ve said it many times before, and it has never been more true than today - most “animal protection” organizations today range from lazy and incompetent to outright frauds.
Any organization with any resources to speak of today should have drones. They should be out in the field across the country, exposing abuse. People can’t fix things if they are unaware.
SHARK is small, and we don’t have much money, so how is it that we accomplish what groups with tens of millions of dollars cannot? The answer is simple - we aren’t focused on bringing in millions of dollars - we’re focused on making positive change for our nonhuman friends, and that takes an enormous amount of time, effort and money.
Injured at a steer tailing event
SHARK’s drones rival or exceed the drone operations of county and state law enforcement agencies, and they have been incredibly productive for so many issues - rodeos, pigeon shoots, cockfighting and dogfighting, and hunting with hounds, just to name a few!
SHARK’s drones exposed the plight of beagles at Envigo, the corporate animal abusers who raised these friendly dogs for experimentation. Our drones brought an end to the contest slaughters of cownose rays in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia. We exposed the horrible conditions of Jeff Lowe’s tigers and other exotic animals. You may remember Lowe was the partner of the infamous “Joe Exotic.”
Our high-powered cameras and undercover equipment cost a lot of money to buy and maintain. Travel is expensive. We have to travel around the county because far larger organizations are nowhere to be found in the field, where the abuse occurs.
Bleeding Steer at a Steer Tailing Event
SHARK’s methods are the most productive of any animal protection organization in the world. There are issues around the country where we could make an enormous difference. We can’t deal with these issues because we just don’t have the personnel or the money. Please, help us change that, and let us show you what is possible.
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