Hey John,
It’s World AIDS Day, and I’m reaching out to you today as someone living with HIV, to ask you to help young people like me prevent massive cuts to HIV funding.
Take action now to #SaveHIVFunding
I tested positive for HIV just two years ago. A year after my diagnosis, I started working in HIV health services and advocacy. Working in HIV care as a newly diagnosed person has allowed me to see the world from a completely different perspective. I’ve learned about Ryan White, barriers to health care and HIV education, and the impact of stigma. I’ve confronted the gap between the care I’ve received and the lack of sufficient treatment that so many other people living with HIV encounter. I think about my trans siblings, especially the trans women of color who face higher barriers to HIV services.
Now more than ever, I think of the elected officials who threaten to cut funding for HIV treatment and prevention – including for health care and direct services organizations like mine. House Republicans have proposed $700 billion in domestic HIV funding cuts. These cuts would make barriers to lifesaving care even higher for the people who need it the most. They would gut critical programs like the Minority AIDS Initiative, the Ryan White Program and the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative, which includes a proposed national PrEP program. These programs ensure people living with HIV – people like me and the people I serve – can access prevention resources, treatment options, and social and mental health support.
Join me in fighting to #SaveHIVFunding
Republicans in Congress have tried this before: last year, they proposed $767 million in cuts and failed due to advocates who stepped up and demanded Congress save HIV funding. We need to stop them this time too. Take action and help #SaveHIVFunding now.
In solidarity,
Activist and member of Engaging Communities around HIV Organizing (ECHO)