John, unless we act now, the Government will pass a law that could force me and you to bailout failing water companies. Will you take 30 seconds to help stop this scandal?
We need to show government that the public demands this change. We're working flat-out behind the scenes - speaking with Ministers, and backbench MPs from all parties - but they need to hear we've got your support. If not, this fundamentally flawed bill will likely pass into law. And that means a continuation of the scandal that is profit from pollution.
So, John, will you sign the petition, today?
For the full lowdown on what we're calling for, and why, head to the petition page now, and scroll down to the FAQs section.
Thanks for your support ✊🌊
Rob, Campaigns Manager
Surfers Against Sewage
Wheal Kitty Workshops, St Agnes, Cornwall, TR5 0RD
Tel: 01872 553 001
Surfers Against Sewage is a national marine conservation and campaigning charity that inspires, unites, and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves, and wildlife.