![]() Dear Patriot, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his Deep State lieutenants marched back into the Senate dead set on ramming Nancy Pelosi’s phony FISA “reform” (H.R. 6172) through the Senate with ZERO changes! Unfortunately, they largely succeeded and passed H.R. 6172 on to the House, which is expected to soon send it to the White House for President Trump’s signature. Still, I’m heartened that Campaign for Liberty members' efforts defied the predictions of the so-called political experts by forcing the Senate to allow three controversial surveillance provisions to expire for nearly two months . . . and America wasn’t struck down by foreign terrorists as the statists constantly fear-mongered would be imminent if this lapsed for even a second. And thanks to liberty-loving patriots like you, we came within ONE VOTE of passing the Wyden-Daines Amendment which would have been a good first step in rolling back perhaps the biggest crown jewel of the surveillance state’s domestic spying powers -- Section 215 of the PATRIOT ACT. While neither the Daines-Wyden Amendment nor the Paul Amendment ultimately passed, the fact is, in 2015 McConnell shut down all attempts at amendments. There may be another opportunity for these amendments in the House in coming days and we'll be sure to keep you posted on what actions you can take. But I won’t sugar coat it. Last week wasn’t a very good one for privacy and liberty in America. And of course, the Big Government statists thirst for more, more, more goes on. And what they’re after now should scare every liberty-loving American. You see, with the renewal of their domestic surveillance “authorities” in place, and many Americans still living in fear of the new invisible coronavirus enemy, the authoritarians at every level of government are racing to implement “track and trace” programs. In other words, a Healthcare Patriot Act complete with “compliance checks,” more intrusion into Americans personal lives, and “Digital Certificates” to exert control. The good news is, it’s always darkest before dawn. And with dedicated Campaign for Liberty supporters helping sound the alarm on statists’ power grabs and FIGHTING BACK against every assault on liberty, we can continue growing the grassroots muscle to Reclaim the Republic and Restore the Constitution. In liberty, Norm Singleton President |