How the U.S. can do MORE to crack down on illegal immigration Hint -- how about enforcing laws we already have?!
John - Over the 16 years years I've been writing these letters to NumbersUSA members just like you, I've received thousands of replies. By far the most common comment I receive goes like this: "If they'd just ENFORCE the laws already on the books, we could cut illegal immigration in half or more." That's true. For example, it's already a federal crime to "knowingly" employ an illegal alien. That's been true since 1986. But it's probably not an exaggeration to estimate that tens of thousands of employers "knowingly" break this law. Scores of small business owners have confessed to me personally that they hire illegal workers. They use excuses like "I have to do it to compete." To me, that's like someone claiming that they have to cheat on their taxes in order to have the lifestyle they deserve! But I digress. How many business owners and managers are being prosecuted by the federal government for "knowingly" hiring illegal workers? Last fiscal year, only 72 owners and managers were arrested for this crime. You've probably heard that hundreds of illegal workers were arrested at chicken processing plants in Mississippi last week. How many managers were arrested? None - so far. Now, it may take time to prove that the managers "knowingly" hired illegal workers. I don't know what will happen. I do know this, however: As long as employers rarely get prosecuted, illegal hiring will continue. Now, let's talk about E-Verify. When you read my emails you know that I believe every employer in America should be required to use E-Verify for their hires. I discuss it because mandating E-Verify is NumbersUSA's number one priority to stop illegal immigration. We have to turn off the jobs magnet for illegal workers! We've surveyed our members many times. 86% of you agree with this statement: "E-Verify is the most important thing America can do to shut off illegal immigration". One year ago, the House of Representatives came within 20 votes of passing a fantastic bill, H.R. 4760, that would have mandated E-Verify for every U.S. employer. One of the biggest reasons the bill came up short was that then-Speaker Paul Ryan wasn't really in favor of it. Ryan listened more to Big Ag than he did his own voters. Opportunity lost! Yes, we have the great E-Verify system, and half of new employees in the country are now run through that system. But until every employer is required to use it, it's going to be hard to enforce existing immigration law. Unfortunately, Pres. Trump hardly ever mentions E-Verify. He's going to have to give it his personal forceful support to stir Congress to action. How about Sanctuary Cities? Do we need a law to ban them? Yes we do. More clear laws with big penalties are needed. But again, some Sanctuary Cities, counties, and states are ALREADY breaking existing federal law. The Trump administration has tried to move against these cities by denying certain grants, etc., but open borders judges have blocked most of it, at least for now. So again, laws are on the books, but enforcement is limited. What's needed is for Congress to pass clear laws that solve the questions courts are ruling on. One of the better moves the President has made on immigration is persuading Mexico that it must do its part in stopping the illegal flow from all the world into the U.S. The Mexican government claims it has sent nearly 15,000 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border. In time, that should really help enforcement. Our hard-working team here at NumbersUSA has just released the new grade card report for members of the U.S House of Representatives. 37 reps received an A+ grade for their voting record on immigration during the first half of this year! We thank them for taking a tough stand on immigration! That said, there are still far too many in Congress who are not listening to the will of the American people. That is where we come in at NumbersUSA! We don't just advocate, we educate. Your donations and your activism in contacting your representatives, combined with our staff's tireless work to correct the wrong information out there, makes our collective voice VERY powerful and VERY important. THANK YOU for the unwavering support you give in all of these ways. We are approaching the end of our fiscal year and we need more help to meet our NumbersUSA Action budget. If you have not yet given this year, please consider donating today. We want to be well-prepared for the upcoming battles when Congress reconvenes.
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