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Dear Friends and Supporters, 

On Giving Tuesday, consider making a gift to Community Labor United (CLU) in support of a more just and sustainable economy for everyone. 

I started CLU 20 years ago coming from a background of grassroots community organizing. CLU was formed because the Boston Labor Council, individual unions, and base-building community organizations collectively believed in the potential power of unions and community organizations uniting and knew our campaigns could be strengthened when we found ways to unite and build power together. CLU campaigns have expanded union and community organizing bases across multiple sectors while winning new contracts, policy victories and system change.
This past year, I returned to CLU as Interim Director. I came back because I believe now more than ever we need to further unite and strengthen the combined organizing of labor and community in order to effectively fight back against the changes the new administration will bring and also to continue to move proactive campaigns for racial equity, economic justice, and environmental justice. 

Your support will help us expand our organizing capacity. In addition to Directing CLU, I have become a monthly sustaining supporter of CLU and ask if you could join me in making a one time or recurring gift to support this work. $5 or $10 a month or a one time donation of $50 or $150 will help build a stronger donor base sustaining this work. 

As our organizing world braces for changes under the new administration, it will be more crucial for Community Labor United to build our power together across sectors in a united front. Collectively, our coalition brings mobilizing power, strategic leadership, and important relationships needed to protect the policies we have already won, as we continue to build for the world we know is possible.

You are part of our movement family in the Greater Boston area and your support helps expand this work. Please make your donation, big or small, to Community Labor United today. You may give online, mail a check to the address below, or recommend a DAF grant.   

Gratefully Yours,

Lisa Clauson

We’re Hiring!

Community Labor United in Boston is searching for our next Executive Director!

More information is available here. Interested candidates should send a resume or CV and cover letter to [email protected].

Apply today!

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8 Beacon Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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