Dear Friend, From my family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving!
As 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks.” It is in this spirit that the first Thanksgiving and all Thanksgivings after have been celebrated. As we gather together today, I hope each of us takes the time to offer up our sincere thanks to our Almighty God for the countless blessings He has graciously bestowed on our lives. May we also take a moment to express our appreciation to our family and friends who add so much joy, stability, and fullness to our lives. I, for one, would not be where I am without the unwavering love and support of so many throughout my life.
And folks, let me say that I am incredibly proud and eternally grateful to be an American and a citizen of the greatest and freest nation the world has ever seen. We are approaching a glorious new dawn, with the brightest days on the horizon as we usher in what will surely be America’s Golden Age. I pray that God continues to watch over our nation and protect the blessings of liberty He has granted us. I also pray that our Father watches over you and your loved ones during this Season of Thanks. Once again, Happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless you always. Sincerely,
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