As the COVID-19 crisis continues to wreak havoc on workers, on the health care system and on our economy, Big Oil and Gas are demanding a bailout. And the Trump administration is encouraging them to seek relief — at the expense of taxpayers, small businesses, and you.
It's nothing short of outrageous. Frontline healthcare workers are still rationing PPE. Black-owned small businesses are waiting for their Paycheck Protection Program loans. Millions of stimulus checks were delayed. Meanwhile, Trump is promising funds for oil company loans, and his Bureau of Land Management is pledging royalty relief for leases on federally owned land.
We're working the phones to try to block this royalty relief, put strong safeguards on future relief packages to ensure they don’t become Big Oil slush funds, and support Senator Jeff Merkley and Rep. Nanette Barragan's Resourcing Workforce Investments, Not Drilling (ReWIND) Act to stop giant fossil fuel companies from receiving loans and place a moratorium on new oil and gas lease sales during the pandemic. But to do all three, we need your help now.
Please, make a gift to the Sierra Club today. Help us stop Trump from siphoning needed funds away from small businesses and into Big Oil's coffers.
We've seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected certain communities, and it’s the same ones who suffer the brunt of environmental injustice wrought by corporate polluters.
Low-income communities. African-American communities. Native American tribal communities. All are experiencing more sickness from COVID-19, more deaths — and less help from the federal government. All the more reason to stop Big Oil CEOs from hijacking relief funds to line their pockets.
We're working hard to stop the bailouts, preserve federal dollars for workers and small businesses, and protect Americans' health — from an industry that's hurling us headfirst into a climate crisis while polluting our air and water. Please, help us stop the fossil fuel giveaways and pass the ReWIND Act now.
Rush your contribution to the Sierra Club now, so we can protect our economy, our climate and human health from a massive fossil fuel giveaway.
At a time when direct links are being made between high levels of air pollution and advanced cases of COVID-19, which attacks the lungs, we need to be reducing harmful emissions, not increasing them — and certainly not bailing out the corporations who cause them.
It's my sincere hope that when this crisis has abated, we won’t go "back to normal" — which, under this administration has meant letting fossil fuel companies run roughshod over communities of color and frontline communities — but that we'll instead transition away from oil and gas to clean, renewable energy. Your support today will help ensure this environmentally just, clean-energy future tomorrow.
With determination and gratitude,

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club |