Oscar-winning actor Mark Rylance has sent us a special message to be tweeted during our #notTrident twitterstorm today. We invite you to watch the video and retweet to your followers from 12 noon today. Please also share your own messages with the instructions below.

If Trident replacement is scrapped, we could use the £205 billion saved to invest in schools, hospitals, pandemic preparedness, and much more besides.

During lockdown we're exploring all the different ways we can continue to campaign against nuclear weapons. We hope you will join in too!

Are you a Twitter user? Please join us on Sunday as we raise our voices against Trident.

We are inviting as many of our supporters as possible to tweet from 12 noon about the need to scrap Trident and prioritise socially useful spending.

Download CND's #notTrident poster and from 12 noon post a landscape photo of yourself with your message, using the #notTrident hash tag in the text of the tweet. Please also include the link to our special info page in your tweet: it's cnduk.org/not-trident

Not a Twitter user?

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