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Dear John,

On this Thanksgiving day, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to the immigrant communities of New York and our incredible members and allies like you who stand with us.

This past year has not been easy, but we are reminded of the strength, resilience, and unwavering determination that define our immigrant neighbors. Despite the challenges we’ve faced and know we’ll continue facing, we’ve remained united—because immigrant New Yorkers are stronger than any one man or administration. We've been through tough times before, and we will once again rise together to meet these challenges.

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Someone who embodies the strength of immigrant New Yorkers is Sarahi, one of the participants of our New York Proud campaign. Brought to New York as a child by her family in search of the American Dream, Sarahi is today a DACA recipient and the first business owner in her family. She proudly owns a Mexican restaurant in Staten Island, a testament to her hard work and determination. While she continues to await an opportunity to gain a pathway to citizenship, she continues to contribute to her family, community, and state she calls home.

Your support of immigrant rights makes stories like Sarahi’s possible. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to fairness, equality, and the brighter future we’re building together, one step at a time.

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Today, as we gather around our tables with loved ones, let’s remember that the heart of New York is its diverse, immigrant communities! Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and joyful holiday.

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
President and CEO

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