For 24 hours straight, a captive orca whale lay motionless in a tiny concrete tank not much bigger than his own body, staring at the gate to his enclosure. The heartbreaking footage captured the attention of the world – and now we’re going to use the momentum to finally free Kshamenk the orca.
Orcas are highly intelligent and deeply emotional beings that need connection and community to survive. But for 23 brutal years, Kshamenk has been forced to live in captivity without the companionship of another orca…one of just two orcas worldwide enduring this inhumane fate.
Local activists have called on the Argentinian government to pass the “Kshamenk Law”, which would force the aquarium to free the orca from his cruel life of solitary confinement. Let’s use this moment to finally get the law over the finish line – taking the campaign global, contacting travel influencers, and targeting lawmakers and aquarium bosses with sharp ads.
If we can free Kshamenk, it would be a vital boost for other campaigns to free orcas across the world. Will you chip in to help free Latin America’s last captive orca and power Ekō campaigns for nature around the world?
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In 1998, Argentina passed a national law that prohibits the capture of orcas. But it didn’t help those already in cruel captivity like Kshamenk or the orcas that died before him.
And so Kschamenk swims in endless circles, going around his small tank within the confines of marine park Mundo Marina 500 times in a single hour. After 30 years in captivity, 23 of them without another orca, his life is endless isolation and suffering.
After organizing for years to find a way to free Kschamenk, local groups recently succeeded in introducing a new law that would prohibit shows featuring marine animals, end the captivity and reproduction of these creatures, and set a firm timeline for their rehabilitation and transfer out of these inhumane facilities.
And now, after the heartbreaking footage of Kschamenk went viral on TikTok, the world’s attention is now on the plight of this precious creature. So we’re going to seize the moment to help get the law over the finish line.
If enough of us chip in, we can quickly take out hard-hitting ads and billboards calling out the aquarium for this unimaginable cruelty, then show key decision-makers that tourism will suffer if it doesn’t set Kshamenk free.
This is exactly the kind of tipping point moment our movement was made for – John, can you chip in today to power our work for nature and to free Kshamenk from his life of isolation and sadness?
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Your donation will help power Ekō and our campaigns worldwide fighting for people and the planet.