Mises Institute
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Our History of Protectionist Tariff Train Wrecks
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Trump is apparently oblivious to the societal train wrecks that protectionist tariffs have caused throughout American history.
Climate Anxiety:
A Regime-Created “Illness”
Jane L. Johnson
Thanks to unrelenting propaganda from the establishment media, a large number of Americans are suffering from what is diagnosed as “climate anxiety.”
Exchange is Not a Zero-Sum Game
Free exchange in an unhampered market is always positive.
Indians and the Confederacy, Part 2: The Cherokee Nation
After being forced to move west during the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee Nation was bitterly divided into two factions. 
Ron Paul: Get the Government out of the Classroom
For almost 200 years, American children were provided with education largely free of US government interference.
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The $100 Trillion Global Debt Bomb and Financial Shock Risk
The $100 trillion fiscal timebomb means lower growth, lower real wages, financial repression, and destruction of the currencies’ purchasing power in the future.
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Lew Rockwell: Biden’s Last Gasp Threatens to Destroy the World
Biden still wants the pro-Nazi Zelensky regime to conquer Russia, thus preserving American world hegemony. Of course, this won’t happen.
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The Culture of Debt and Despair
Doug French at the 2009 Mises Circle in Newport Beach, California.
Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Time
Sometime in the 18th century, the word equality gained ground as a political ideal, but the idea was always vague. In this treatise, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn argues that it reduced to one simple and very dangerous idea: equality of political power as embodied in democracy.
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