From Dianna Cohen, Plastic Pollution Coalition <[email protected]>
Subject 🍂 November News: INC-5 in Busan, Buy Now! film, & more 💫
Date November 27, 2024 3:08 PM
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UN Plastics Treaty negotiations enter final round

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[Two years of negotiations for the UN Global Plastics Treaty are winding down in Busan]([link removed])

Dear John,

As the holiday season begins, we’re focused on gratitude—for the essential work we do every day with the team at Plastic Pollution Coalition (PPC), with our coalition members, allies, and partners, and for all the awareness and action PPC has raised around the urgent issue of plastic pollution over the past 15 years.

As two years of negotiations for the [UN Global Plastics Treaty]([link removed]) are winding down in Busan, Republic of Korea, we are cognizant of this [historic opportunity to take action against plastic pollution]([link removed]). Among other efforts, we are proud to work alongside Greenpeace International and the Break Free From Plastic movement on the [Champions of Change]([link removed]) initiative, collectively engaging over 350 businesses worldwide to push national governments for a comprehensive international agreement
that cuts plastic production and eliminates single-use plastics.

As we all know, there are big changes afoot in the U.S. What you may not know is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally released its [National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution]([link removed]) on November 22. While we applaud the EPA’s effort, we continue to emphasize the urgent need for much more ambitious measures to address plastic pollution at its source.

A new film on Netflix, [Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy]([link removed]), exposes the environmental (and human) costs of industries such as fast fashion, big tech, and e-waste, highlighting the roles they play in the growing plastic pollution crisis. The documentary calls for immediate accountability from corporations and a shift toward sustainable practices. You can take action by [signing our petition]([link removed]) urging CEOs and shareholders from Adidas, Amazon, Apple, H&M, Shein, and Unilever to stop their environmentally harmful overproduction and wasteful practices.

I'm on the ground now in Busan with PPC team colleagues and alongside our allies as negotiations continue during [INC-5]([link removed]). We’ll report back soon with details of how the Treaty landed and what we need to do next to ensure a healthier future for people and the planet.

[Thank you for supporting our work to stop plastic pollution]([link removed]). Wishing you a safe and peaceful holiday season.

Onward together,

[Dianna Cohen]

Dianna Cohen
Co-Founder & CEO
Plastic Pollution Coalition

P.S. [Donate $15 or more to enter to win plastic-free reusable goodies]([link removed]) for you to share with a friend, including bamboo utensil sets, stainless steel straws, pint cups, water bottles, and a book! Winners will be notified on Monday, December 16.


[INC-5 Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations Happening Now]([link removed])

★ [INC-5 Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations Happening Now]([link removed])
The final planned negotiating session for the [UN Plastics Treaty]([link removed]) is happening now (Nov. 25–Dec. 1) in Busan, Republic of Korea. PPC team members and allies are currently on the ground in Busan to advocate for the strongest treaty possible, and [PPC Notable Member Jeff Bridges recorded a special message]([link removed]) (now with Korean subtitles) to support the efforts. As recently revealed in a new survey published by [Break Free From Plastic]([link removed]), 84% of people across ten countries support cuts
to plastic production. U.S. members of the Plastics Treaty Civil Society and Rights-Holders Coalition [call on the U.S. negotiating team]([link removed]) to uphold and expand ambition in the negotiations, and in recent days have raised concerns about [inadequate capacity for observers at the negotiations]([link removed]). More to come.

★ [PPC’s Plastic-Free Holiday Guide: Gatherings & Gifts]([link removed])
Want to deck the halls without tons of plastic? You’re in luck, because we just released this year’s Gatherings & Gifts guide. The focus is on unique ideas and handmade, home-baked gifts with zero plastic packaging that will please even the pickiest recipient. Dive into our guide for sustainable inspiration to make your holiday season memorable and mindful. [Read more]([link removed]).

★ [Water Filter Coupons in Cook County, Illinois, Help Reduce Lead and Plastic Pollution]([link removed])
Note: A version of this blog appeared in the [Chicago Sun-Times]([link removed]) as a Letter to the Editor. An innovative new project in Cook County offers select families affected by lead-contaminated water a crucial solution for human health: coupons for water filters. Illinois Senator Durbin’s [announcement of the program]([link removed]) on October 16 represents a critical step toward ensuring safe drinking water for Chicago residents without exacerbating plastic pollution, especially within a city with [400,000
pipes]([link removed].)—more than any other city in the U.S. [Read more]([link removed]).

★ [Tangled In Trash: The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Urban Wildlife]([link removed])
Plastic pollution is not just a problem for oceans and remote environments; it’s also a growing threat in our cities. Urban wildlife, including birds, rodents, and even domestic pets are increasingly exposed to plastic pollution. Birds often mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion that can cause internal blockages, malnutrition, or death. The [Urban Bird Foundation’s LitterBirds project]([link removed]) has documented how urban birds are particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution. [Read more]([link removed]).

★ [Is Black Plastic Lurking in Your Kitchen? If So, Ditch It. (Outside Magazine)]([link removed])
A new study reveals the danger of this ubiquitous kitchen tool and a deeper problem with our plastic recycling system. Jackie Nuñez, PPC Advocacy & Engagement Manager, summarizes the fundamental [problem with plastics recycling]([link removed]). [Read more.]([link removed])

➤ Find more [Latest News on our website]([link removed]).


[PPC December Webinar: Policy Matters: Tracking Plastic Laws After Global Treaty Negotiations ]([link removed])

★ [PPC December Webinar: Policy Matters: Tracking Plastic Laws After Global Treaty Negotiations]([link removed])
After two years of intense negotiations, the fifth and final planned session to agree on a UN Global Plastic Treaty is scheduled to conclude on December 1, 2024. The Treaty will have widespread implications for plastic laws around the world. One critical tool to monitor progress and implementation is the [Global Plastic Laws]([link removed]) database and resource center. Join PPC on December 12, 2024, for a discussion about the importance of continuing to advance and track plastic policy at all levels, with Dr. Jamala Djinn, Science/Policy Advisor, Break Free From Plastic; Jennifer Gleason, Law Program Director, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide; Shane Trimmer,
District Director at the U.S. House of Representatives – Office of Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-02); and Joseph Winters, Staff Writer, Grist. The webinar will be moderated by Madison Dennis, Project Manager, Plastic Pollution Coalition. [Register here]([link removed]).

★ [Plasticulture: The Rise of Sustainable Practices with Polymers]([link removed])
SVA presents “Plasticulture: The Rise of Sustainable Practices with Polymers,” an exhibition of works by 15 artists from Project Vortex, an artist collective innovating with plastic debris, and curated by founding artist and PPC Artist Ally Aurora Robson. By combining artistic expression with scientific exploration, “Plasticulture” aspires to encourage individuals and communities to embrace more sustainable practices and play a part in fostering a healthier planet. The exhibition runs until December 7, 2024. [Learn more.]([link removed])

➤ Find more [Events on our website]([link removed]).


[Sea of Life’s 2024 International Women’s Conservation Conference]([link removed])

★ [Sea of Life’s 2024 International Women’s Conservation Summit]([link removed])
Belize is home to leading coral restoration scientists and national policy leaders, with women spearheading the protection and restoration of the country’s ecosystems. PPC Ally Organization [Sea of Life]([link removed]) gathered over 150 Belizean and international women leaders in conservation for the 2024 International Women’s Conservation Summit in Belize City, November 22–23. The conference featured a comprehensive lineup of expert panels, keynote presentations, technical training workshops, poster sessions, and a marketplace dedicated to the blue and green economy. PPC sponsored a screening of the film Plastic People and co-hosted the post film Q&A panel with
Ryan Rivera of [Oceana Belize]([link removed]), and Jackie Nuñez from PPC moderating.

★ [Champions of Change: Business Leaders Call for Production Cuts in Global Plastics Treaty]([link removed])
Over 350 businesses globally, including many PPC Business Members, have signed an open letter urging governments to adopt an ambitious agreement that will cut plastic production and phase out single-use plastic. “Champions of Change,” a joint initiative of Greenpeace International, PPC, and the Break Free from Plastic movement, launched ahead of the final Global Plastics Treaty negotiations in Busan, Republic of Korea this November. [Learn more]([link removed]).

★ [B’ZEOS: Seaweed-based Packaging Innovator Closes Seed Funding Round]([link removed])
This month we celebrate B'ZEOS closing their recent funding round, raising more money and securing key partnerships to scale their seaweed-based packaging solutions, which are fully biobased and home compostable. Investment is needed for regenerative materials to become viable. This is one way we can stop plastic pollution at the source—by funding systemic solutions and better materials like seaweed. Learn more about the recent funding round from B’ZEOS [here]([link removed]).

★ [I’m Plastic-Free]([link removed])
Looking for products that don’t harm the planet or you? Visit []([link removed]) to find new and creative ways to reduce plastic waste, swap plastic for other regenerative, plastic-free materials, lower your microplastic exposure, learn about changes and developments in the industry, and connect with other innovative companies that are making a difference. This platform is woman-owned and operated with transparent [values]([link removed]) to encourage better business practices. [Learn more]([link removed]).

★[Join Plastic Pollution Coalition]([link removed])
Not yet a member of Plastic Pollution Coalition? You may join as an individual, organization, or business. [Apply here.]([link removed])


[Tell Adidas, Amazon, Apple, H&M, Shein, & Unilever: Stop Trashing the Planet!]([link removed])

★ [Tell Adidas, Amazon, Apple, H&M, Shein, & Unilever: Stop Trashing the Planet!]([link removed])
We are calling on some of the world's largest companies in their sectors—Adidas, Amazon, Apple, H&M, Shein, & Unilever—to immediately reduce their use and production of plastic packaging and cheap disposable products that are trashing our planet. Urge these companies to implement stronger targets for reducing plastic waste and increasing reuse efforts, and scale back their manipulative ads that drive the endless cycle of consumption. [Sign the petition.]([link removed])

★ [Tell U.S. Leaders to Take a Strong Stance on the Global Plastics Treaty]([link removed])
The UN Global Plastics Treaty negotiations are underway. Urge U.S. leaders to lead by forging ambitious solutions—like reduction of plastic production and freedom from corporate influence—instead of leading the world in generating plastic pollution. [Sign the petition]([link removed]).

★ [Tell Starbucks: Build a Better (Reusable) Cup Campaign]([link removed])
Tell Starbucks Chairman & CEO Brian Niccol to promote and increase incentives and discounts for reusable cups. Starbucks uses more than 8,000 plastic cups and plastic-lined paper cups per minute, and up to 6 billion disposable cups and mugs worldwide each year. Most of this ends up in landfills, the environment, or is incinerated. [Sign the petition]([link removed]).

➤ Find more [Ways to Take Action]([link removed])


[CNN Call to Earth Day, December 4]([link removed])

★ [CNN Call to Earth Day, December 4]([link removed])
On December 4, 2024, schools, individuals, and organizations around the world will take action through a series of clean-ups in a collective effort to improve the planet. You can [register your event through CNN here]([link removed]). While cleanups are helpful, at PPC we encourage any cleanup efforts to [add brand audits]([link removed]), an essential part of holding plastic polluters accountable so we can ultimately [turn off the plastic tap]([link removed]).

★ [Plastic Kills… Again! Short Film Contest Announcement]([link removed])
Announcing [Plastic Kills… Again!]([link removed])Plastic Pollution Coalition has teamed up with Earth Angel for a second round of our popular Plastic Kills short film contest. We’re challenging filmmakers to create original horror short films that highlight the terrors of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on our bodies, children, pets, and planet, while also helping to show real solutions to this real-life menace. This time, we’re offering cash prizes for first, second, and third place, with a grand prize of $3,000. Submissions are due September 15, 2025, giving you plenty of time to scare up your spookiest stories. [Sign up for email
updates]([link removed]).

★ [Just Zero: Waste-Free Future Summit]([link removed])
Just Zero recently held its first-ever Waste-Free Future Summit. This three-day event, which consisted of five free, virtual sessions now has all sessions recorded and available to view. [Watch here.]([link removed])

★ [Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs to Know]([link removed]), 2nd edition by Judith WeisThis book discusses the sources of marine pollutants, their effects on marine organisms and humans, and how to reduce or eliminate them. The updated 2nd edition reflects recent research and features a new chapter on microplastics. [Order online]([link removed]) and enter the code ASPROMP8 for a 30% discount.

➤ Find more Resources in our [Resource Library.]([link removed])

Your donation makes a difference.
[Donate]([link removed])


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Plastic Pollution Coalition is a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. Plastic Pollution Coalition is a project of Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3, non-profit organization, organized and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #94-2889684).

Plastic Pollution Coalition
4401A Connecticut Avenue NW #143
Washington, DC 20008
[email protected]
(323) 936-3010

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