Illinois e-News Release

For Immediate Release

November 27, 2024


Media Contact: Maura Kownacki

Phone: 312-814-1777

Illinois Department of Revenue Offers Online Safety Tips as Holiday Shopping Season Approaches

Chicago –As the holiday shopping season is quickly approaching and bargain hunters are gearing up to find the best deals online, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) is reminding taxpayers to remain vigilant against potential online threats.


"Throughout the year, IDOR, members of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other state tax administrators all work together to safeguard taxpayers’ personal information," explained IDOR Director David Harris. “This time of year, as holiday shopping begins and Black Friday and Cyber Monday online sales tend to hit record highs, there is often an increased risk of cybercriminals taking advantage of unsuspecting shoppers.”


Without proper online safety, thieves can potentially steal personal information. Below are some safety tips to help protect against these attacks:


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