Transport for London
(TfL) has this week set out a new approach for dockless rental e-bike and e-scooter
parking on its roads, London's network of red routes. The updated enforcement
policy, alongside significant investment in new parking spaces, will help
schemes continue to operate, while ensuring streets remain safe and accessible
to everyone.
The approach will predominantly focus on dockless e-bikes, as
London’s e-scooter trial already requires parking in bays, with controls in
place to ensure compliance.
London Councils Executive Member for Climate, Transport and Environment, Cllr Kieron Williams, said: "Dockless e-bikes have the potential to be a major positive step forwards for London, but to work for our city they need to work for all Londoners.
"Whilst the large majority of people using the bikes do so with care and respect for their fellow residents, we are still seeing far too many blocking pavements, roads and crossings.
“London boroughs are already using enforcement powers to tackle these problems, including installing almost 2,000 new parking bays. We will be working closely with TfL to learn from their new approach, so we can continue to use all of the legal tools currently at our disposal to address these issues for our residents.
“The right long-term solution is new legislation, setting out fair and consistent rules that all operators have to abide by. However ahead of that, it is clear the current operators could and should be doing much more to address these problems. I hope this welcome move by TfL today will lead the operators to do more, working with us fix these problems so we can make dockless e-bikes a success”.