Hi John,
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says paying his carbon taxes is more important than your grocery bills.
Seriously, you (and millions of other Canadians) need to see this video.
Trudeau can’t grasp the simple reality: his carbon tax makes everything more expensive for Canadians like you.
Here’s the good news: Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s Alberta Director, Kris Sims, is taking Trudeau to task about the carbon tax.
It’s so good – about 60,000 people watched Kris’ video on YouTube in less than 24 hours.
And you can make sure millions of Canadians see it.
That’s more important than ever because you know Trudeau’s spending $7 million on carbon tax ads that are running across Canada now.
Here’s more good news: CTF supporters like you are pushing back against that propaganda.
Hundreds of supporters pitched in with donations to run a social media ad countering the government propaganda. You’ve already made it a massive success. Your first anti-carbon tax ad already has 10 million impressions on social media.
Let’s get millions of views for Kris’s video that shatters Trudeau’s carbon tax propaganda.
Pushing back against Trudeau’s spin RIGHT NOW is so important because his taxpayer-funded, pro-carbon tax ads are being played across Canada.
You can cut through Trudeau’s pro-carbon tax propaganda and make sure millions of Canadians see Kris’ awesome video.
Will you donate to push back against Trudeau’s carbon tax ads and make sure millions of Canadians see this new anti-carbon tax video?
- YES – I’ll chip in for anti-carbon tax ad campaign (click this link to go to our secure donation site)
- No – I’m going to pass on donating this time (if you want to let us know why, you can click here).
Thanks for fighting for taxpayers – you’re making a difference!
All the best,
Franco TerrazzanoP.S.: You can watch Kris shred Trudeau’s carbon tax by clicking this link: https://www.taxpayer.com/campaigns/hes-out-of-touch
Federal Director – Canadian Taxpayers Federation