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Dear John,

Giving Tuesday is December 3rd, only a week away and I am writing to ask you to include Futures Without Violence in your year-end giving. We have set an ambitious year-end goal of $200,000, and we have a generous donor who will match your gift, dollar for dollar. With your help, we can make this our most successful Giving Tuesday ever.

At FUTURES, we know that children’s exposure to violence has profound implications for their health and well-being, and we also know that sadly, firearms remain one of the leading causes of mortality for young people in the United States. We can prevent this violence by investing in prevention strategies and cultivating nurturing environments where children heal and families thrive.

A year-end gift from you can help us advocate for life-saving policies that keep guns out of the hands of abusers and those at high risk of violence. Your support can help us educate communities on the links between domestic violence and gun violence and provide essential training and resources to healthcare providers, educators, and law enforcementempowering them to identify those at risk and intervene before tragedy strikes.

Progress is possible, but only with your support. Your year-end gift will help us protect the most vulnerable among us. Please include Futures Without Violence in your year-end giving this year, and on Giving Tuesday, make an investment in safer families. Together, we can create a future we’re all proud of
one where everyone can thrive.

With gratitude and hope,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President


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The Presidio
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