From Truth & Liberty Team <[email protected]>
Subject Thank God!  New Survey Shows Christians Have Major Impact on Election, and Truth and Liberty Plays Significant Role in Voter Turnout
Date November 26, 2024 4:33 PM
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Thanks belongs first to the Lord, but also to all our Truth and Liberty Members and donors, whose generosity has made these accomplishments possible.

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Thank God! New Survey Shows Christians Have Major Impact on Election, and Truth and Liberty Plays Significant Role in Voter Turnout

Dear John,

America renown Christian pollster, Dr. George Barna, just released survey results showing that Christians made up a staggering 72% of the electorate and gave Trump 56% of their vote!

This comes as welcome news at Truth & Liberty as we continue to fight what has been the most important spiritual battle of our lifetime: the preservation of our Christian nation and Constitutional Republic. America, the 247-year-old-experiment in liberty and self-government, stands as a beacon of hope in the world to all who fear the Lord and love freedom.

We thank God for this impact, and for the part He empowered Truth and Liberty to play. In 2024,

- The Truth and Liberty show inspired and educated thousands with a brand new, beautiful set and a powerful format on the Gospel Truth Network, bringing biblical insights and cultural analysis to the issues of the day

- This year Truth & Liberty produced our first documentary film, Hope for the Future ([link removed] ) , encouraging Christians that God is at work and the Third Great Awakening is underway.

- We partnered with Christians Engaged to mobilize 1 million Christian voters, as well as

- Partnering with My Faith Votes in a campaign sending personal postcards to Christians in swing states encouraging them to vote!

- We launched a strategic direct messaging campaign on social media with emails to tens of thousands of subscribers across the country about the importance of voting.

- Our website provided valuable voting resources including Voter Guides, our Biblical Worldview Curriculum, and our Voting and Pastors Toolkits.

- In our Transform Colorado initiative, we held 27 meetings across the state with Bill Federer and distributed 1.2 million digital and paper non-partisan Christian voter guides in the state.

- We hosted Freedom Night in America with Charlie Kirk at Charis Bible College ([link removed] ) and livestreamed the event for those not able to attend in person. The video has been viewed almost 440,000 times in just over 30 days.

- Richard Harris published The Calling to Manhood ([link removed] ) , giving a clarion call concerning God’s charges to men that are critical for this time in history.

This Thanksgiving, we celebrate God’s blessings and renew our hearts to finish the work that is before us.

Thanks belongs first to the Lord, but also to all our Truth and Liberty Members and donors, whose generosity has made these accomplishments possible.

We’d like to ask you to pray about coming alongside the work God has appointed for us to do by becoming a Truth & Liberty Member. Everyone who signs up to make an automatic recurring gift of $5 a month or more, or anyone who makes a one-time donation to Truth & Liberty of $30 or more will receive a copy of the documentary Hope for the Future. If you haven’t seen this powerful film, don’t miss out on what God is doing in America at this very crucial hour in our history!

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God bless you all and may you and your loved ones have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

The Truth and Liberty Team

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