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Saturday May 16th, 2020


Greetings from the Lewis for MN R.V., where Jason and I are back out on the road for the “ReOpen Minnesota” tour.
For a month now, Jason has been out on the road meeting with restaurant owners, retailers, farmers and small business owners discussing the effects of this disastrous one size fits all economic lockdown. Meanwhile Senator Tina Smith has been cowering in place trying to just run out the clock between now and Election Day, hoping nobody will notice how ineffectual she’s been.
Or perhaps Tina’s hoping nobody will notice that she
sold nearly $1 million dollars’ worth of stock while blocking COVID economic relief, or that she takes huge campaign contributions from companies that outsource to China - the country responsible for this pandemic.

Whether it’s pork farmers Jason met with in Good Thunder and Goodhue who can’t get their hogs processed, resort owners in Brainerd and Bemidji, sugar beet and bean farmers in Crookston, small businesses in Duluth, orthopedic surgeons in Mankato, or restaurant owners in Moorhead (who are in particularly dire straits given that restaurants right across the river in Fargo are open), Jason has met with business folks in every corner of the state, each hurting more than the next.


Jason even had a chance to greet Vice-President Mike Pence at Air Force Two in Rochester and discuss the situation surrounding the virus and the lockdown here in Minnesota.


Recently, Senator Todd Young (Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee) hosted a fundraising webinar with many of our Minnesota supporters updating them on the fight to keep GOP control of the Senate, and asking everyone to support Jason. Whether or not Republicans keep control of the Senate will likely come down to the outcome of our Senate race.
The virus and the lockdown may have changed how we campaign, but it hasn’t changed how hard Jason and our team are working. Jason has participated in over 125 virtual campaign events and has hosted numerous virtual town hall meetings with State Convention delegates to discuss the issues and how we’re going to win in November.
Now, it’s up to the delegates! Today Jason will virtually speak to 3,000 MNGOP state convention delegates and formally lock up the Republican nomination for United States Senate, but we need your help! Please be sure to get logged in and participate in the MNGOP state convention if you are a registered delegate.
On behalf of Jason and our entire team, I’d like to thank you for all your ongoing help. Onward to victory!
Tom Szymanski
Campaign Manager


Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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