Dear John,
As we head into Thanksgiving feasting—and, for many, traveling to spend time with family and friends—I wanted to share some welcome news about IJ’s continuing real-world impact on the fight to better secure our rights.
Late last week, the U.S. Department of Justice announced it will suspend the Drug Enforcement Administration’s controversial practice of “consensual encounters” at airports and other travel hubs. Contrary to the name, these encounters are anything but consensual.
Tipped off by the TSA or airline employees, DEA agents intercept and interrogate individuals and insist on searching their bags without cause or warrant. As you know, this often leads to the seizure and eventual forfeiture of cash or other property from innocent travelers—and the airline employees often get a cut of the cash. IJ client Rebecca Brown knows this scheme all too well. She is our lead plaintiff in IJ’s class-action lawsuit against the TSA and DEA.
In July, IJ released shocking footage of one traveler’s interdiction experience—which has amassed 2.6 million views and almost 14,000 comments on YouTube. In response, the Office of the Inspector General released a report criticizing airport interdictions and citing IJ’s video, leading the DOJ to suspend the practice.
Though the DOJ’s announcement halting the DEA’s interdiction program is a welcome first step, policy directives can change at any time during this or any future administration. To make these and other vitally needed reforms to civil forfeiture permanent, Congress must abolish or radically overhaul civil forfeiture.
Meanwhile, IJ presses forward with discovery in our class-action challenge to unconstitutional searches and seizures in airports on behalf of Rebecca and countless other travelers, where we hope to establish strong precedent that will likewise end this practice for good.
For now, travelers are more secure in their rights as they hustle to their destinations during the holiday season without being hassled by roving DEA agents. I hope to share more good news in the final weeks of 2024!
Scott G. Bullock
President and Chief Counsel
Institute for Justice
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