We cover how math is taught in schools. Help us make sense of the numbers!
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We provide paywall-free, thorough and data-driven education news THANKS TO generous reader support. We have $3,000 left in matching funds.
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You may have noticed: We like to talk about math. In fact, we consider access to math education to be one of the principal civil rights issues of our time. Few subjects matter more in supporting critical thinking skills and preparing students for college and high-level careers.
Our math coverage explores the topic from multiple angles, beginning with early childhood math through to how the subject plays out in college classes and beyond. We also dig into hot topics like algebra and calculus, helping readers understand why these subjects actually matter. Lastly, we are committed to making these stories relatable and relevant, in some instances creating videos that help illuminate our stories for diverse audiences.
We know that math matters enormously to our education system, our workforce, and our economy. For this reason, we don’t want our math coverage to slow down anytime soon.
But here’s one math problem we face: how to fund our journalism.
We don’t have a paywall and we are independent. This is essential to our mission, but it also means we need to ask readers to pitch in. With your support, we can continue to cover math challenges and the solutions being developed.
Will you help solve our math problem? We have over 50,000 newsletter readers. If even each reader gave $5 ([link removed]) we would be better positioned to cover education in the new year.
Yes, I'll pitch in ([link removed])
P.S. Thanks to matches, all gifts are doubled!
$25 becomes $50 ([link removed]) , $50 → $100 ([link removed]) , $250 → $500. ([link removed])
Thank you for being a part of our community and choosing The Hechinger Report as your trusted source of education news.
Warm regards,
Christina Samuels
Deputy managing editor, The Hechinger Report
We appreciate your patience with extra emails during our end-of-year campaign. By donating any amount now ([link removed]) , you can keep the email chatter down through the end of the year. You can also opt out of our end-of-year donation requests through this link ([link removed]) .
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