John, with Thanksgiving just a few days away, I’ve been thinking about what I’m thankful for – and at the top of my list is the immense difference you’ve made in the lives of so many children.
Because of generous people like you, families like Ana Lucía’s* in Peru are getting the critical cash assistance they need to overcome malnutrition with nutritious meals and medical care. Now, Ana Lucía has reached a healthy weight and is on track to not only survive but thrive.
Your generosity is also making it possible for communities like Peter’s* to combat the climate crisis and grow their own food. With cash distributions, food deliveries, clean water and seed packets, Peter has access to healthy food and is fighting back against the effects of drought in his Zambian hometown.
And thanks to you, children like Jasmine* in rural West Virginia are getting healthy meals delivered to their homes to combat food insecurity. Through our efforts, Jasmine now not only has access to nutritious food, but also has the tools she needs to succeed in school.
Our supporters have already made such a difference, but there are still millions of children who need help. This Thanksgiving season, I hope you’ll extend your generosity and make a gift to support children.