This week at CBPP, we focused on the economy, state budgets and taxes, health, food assistance, housing, federal taxes, family income support, and Social Security.
- On the economy, Robert Greenstein stated that the new package from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would provide essential support for the economy and relief to households. Chad Stone noted that people already facing barriers to opportunity were hit hardest by the massive April job losses. We updated our report on Pandemic Unemployment Insurance provisions and what they mean for access to SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF. We updated our backgrounders on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available, on unemployment insurance, and on the post-Great Recession economy.
- On state budgets and taxes, Michael Leachman explained why fiscal relief is needed now to stop the massive state job losses from becoming permanent. Cortney Sanders urged states to protect against separate and unequal K-12 funding amid COVID-19. We also updated our state budget watch tracking revenue shortfalls.
- On health, Matt Broaddus pointed out that the Pelosi bill includes much-needed Medicaid funding for states. Aviva Aron-Dine described how legislation to provide a sustained Medicaid funding boost should continue “maintenance-of-effort” protections. Jessica Schubel explained why more federal Medicaid funding is needed to protect home- and community-based services, and Anna Bailey noted that it’s also essential to behavioral health care access amid COVID-19. We updated our reports on how states are leveraging Medicaid policies and streamlining enrollment to respond to COVID-19.
- On food assistance, Joseph Llobrera stressed that COVID-19 surveys show rapidly rising food needs. Llobrera also noted that the impacts on food security for people of color highlight the need for aid.
- On housing, Will Fischer stressed that the Pelosi bill provides vital housing aid, but that more housing vouchers are needed.
- On federal taxes, Chye-Ching Huang and Samantha Washington explained why a payroll tax cut would be poor economic stimulus.
- On family income support, LaDonna Pavetti pointed out that the Pandemic TANF Assistance Act would provide much-needed aid and protections to families with the lowest incomes.
- On Social Security, Kathleen Romig explained what the 2020 trustees’ report shows about Social Security. We updated our backgrounder on the Social Security trust funds.
Chart of the Week — April’s 1 Million Furloughs, Layoffs Put State and Local Employment Lower Than After Great Recession
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
How the Coronavirus Is Killing the Middle Class
New Yorker
May 14, 2020
Pandemic wrecks many state budgets, could trigger deep cuts
Associated Press
May 13, 2020
A governing party and a post-policy party clash over economic aid
May 13, 2020
What options do I have if I’ve lost my health insurance?
May 13, 2020
Washington shows just why the country shouldn’t depend on it for stimulus
Washington Post
May 11, 2020
Coronavirus is exacerbating America’s hunger crisis
May 11, 2020
Congress helped private businesses. Now it’s time to help state and local governments.
Bangor Daily News
May 11, 2020
The Cities We Need
New York Times
May 11, 2020
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