Dr. Erwin Lutzer challenges pastors to lead with courage in today’s culture, addressing issues like parental rights, abortion, and critical race theory as deeply biblical matters. He encourages speaking truth with grace, staying rooted in the gospel, and standing boldly for biblical truth, even when it’s met with resistance.
Did you know that over-accountability can discourage missionaries just as much as under-accountability? Or that leadership transitions in your church can create deep uncertainty for those serving overseas? This article sheds light on five common blind spots churches face when supporting missionaries — and offers practical, gospel-centered strategies to address them. Learn how to balance care for your church family and your sent ones while building relationships that make a lasting impact.
Highlighting the best articles and videos to encourage and equip you for the unique challenges of pastoral ministry, both in your home and the church.
Pastor's Culture Briefing
Curated content to keep pastors and church leaders aware of the top headlines affecting religious liberty, critical cultural moments, and news related to the family.