Here to Submit Your Intentions for Cardinal Burke’s livestream
Holy Mass on 12/1

Dear Friend,
How blessed we are! Raymond Cardinal Burke will offer the
Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass on December 1, the First Sunday of
Advent, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse,
Wisconsin. Currently scheduled for 7:00 AM Central Time, it will be
Here is an opportunity to submit
all of your intentions that are deep within your heart. Be sure to
include intentions for family members and loved ones who have stopped
attending Holy Mass or who are attending services at a Protestant
church because it makes them feel good. Everyone knows our society is
leaning toward a material, godless culture. So very often, people are
mocking what is sacred. Without lingering, we as Prayer Warriors, must
pick up our “spiritual swords” and fight this battle!!
The Month of the Divine Infancy is
almost upon us. First, we must prepare our hearts during the Season of
Advent by means of purification.
Our Shepherd, Cardinal Burke has
spoken on how to prepare:
“During the Season of Advent, let
us unite in a special way with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the most
perfect flower of the People of God, whom God prepared from the moment
of her conception to receive the Messiah in her womb at the moment of
His coming in time. Let’s implore her intercession, so that we can
imitate her pure heart, so our hearts are ever more willing to receive
Christ at His coming into our life, above all through the reception of
the Most Holy Eucharist, the Heavenly Bread which is truly His Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity.”
One of the most important
preparations during Advent is making a good confession. His Eminence
has said:
“The practice of penance and, above
all, the confession of our sins and their absolution by the grace of
God in the Sacrament of Penance are at the heart of our preparation
for Advent. In what better way can we prepare the ways of the Lord
into our hearts than praying with greater fervor and practicing acts
of mortification by which the Lord frees our minds from distractions
and our hearts from wrong affections!”
Thursday, December 12, is the
Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You will have the opportunity to
view the Holy Mass and the Act of Consecration to Our Lady of
Guadalupe that will be led by Cardinal Burke live, from the Shrine of
Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The Shrine has
announced that all the tickets for this Holy Mass on December 12 have
been given away. You will receive a livestream link
As part of Operation Storm Heaven,
your intentions are added each month to the Holy Mass offered by His
Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and to the Holy Rosary that will be
prayed by him and all the Rosary Warriors throughout the world that
have pledged to pray, on the 1st of December,
which will be livestreamed.
As a Rosary Warrior, I would like
to once again invite you to present your new or updated intentions and prayer
requests for Operation
Storm Heaven before the 1st of December.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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