As we gather this Thanksgiving, my heart is filled with gratitude for you and the CitizenGO community. Together, we are a voice for life, family, and freedom—values that are under siege but remain worth every ounce of our effort to defend.
I am deeply thankful to work alongside you in this vital mission. Your dedication and prayers fuel our campaigns, enabling us to stand firm in the fight for what matters most. Every petition you sign, every email you send, and every conversation you have makes an impact. You prove that ordinary citizens can still do extraordinary things.
One of the greatest privileges of leading CitizenGO USA is delivering your petitions to our nation's lawmakers in person. Each time I visit the offices of the House or Senate, I ask the staffers, “How often do you receive petitions like these?” Their answer is almost always the same: “We get a few phone calls, but not much else.”
We are changing that! The halls of Congress will echo with the voices CitizenGO members! We sent them to govern on our behalf—not on their own.
On a recent petition delivery to Congress, I was joined by Lucia Gonzales, our U.S. Spanish Campaigner, who fled oppression in Venezuela. She was astonished by the access we have to our leaders here in the United States. As we walked through the halls of Congress and spoke directly with our representatives, she was giddy with excitement and expressed awe at the freedom we enjoy. In Venezuela, government officials are completely isolated from the people—hidden away in fortified buildings with no hope of ordinary citizens ever gaining access to their offices, much less meeting with them in person.

As we left, Lucia said over and over how grateful she was to live in a country where we can freely petition our government—even face to face. Her words were a powerful reminder of how fortunate we are to have this freedom but also how fragile it is. If we fail to use it, we risk losing it. If we remain silent, who will stand up for the unborn, defend the family, or protect our religious freedoms? It’s up to us to ensure these rights are not only preserved but boldly exercised.
It is your voice and your encouragement that not only holds them accountable but also emboldens them to stand firm in the face of relentless attacks. When we show up and speak out, lawmakers do listen—and we will ensure they hear us loud and clear. We are committed to petitioning, writing, calling—and above all, praying—because this is how change happens, and we will make it happen.
May the inboxes of Congress overflow, their phones ring endlessly, and their offices never be silent. Together, we will ensure that the values we cherish are heard loud and clear.
In the coming year, our CitizenGO community will grow even stronger. Together, we are inspiring others to use their voices and stand boldly for what is right. Many lawmakers in Congress are already on our side, fighting to uphold life, family, and freedom. But they face fierce opposition in the House and Senate, and they need our vocal support to stay the course.
This Thanksgiving, I thank God for you—for your unwavering support, your courage, and your commitment to defending what is right. Together, we are driving real change and reshaping the future of our nation. Let’s keep the wave of family, life, and freedom surging forward—not resting on past victories, but pressing ahead with gratitude, determination, and an unshakable resolve.
God bless you, your family, and our shared mission.