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Hello True Texans!
Happy Thanksgiving... the start of the most wonderful time of the year when the creepy death creatures are gone from the stores and houses, replaced by colorful harvest displays and red/green holiday cheer! I always breathe a sigh of relief.
This week I have three things I want to fix right off the bat:
After I listed 3 incredible True Texans in last week's newsletter who earned sabers for Texas Scorecard's Conservative Leaders Award, I found out there's a 4th one! Debbie Kilen from our Burleson TTP@Home group also earned one. Congrats, Debbie! True Texans are everywhere!
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that we are switching up how we communicate our meetings, and it might be affecting your inbox! If you are suddenly getting a lot of messages from True Texas Project that don't even pertain to you, I can help fix that too.
EMAILS: To adjust your email settings, click here. If you've never logged in before, you'll need to create your password; otherwise, log in to go to your settings. Just click the boxes for the locations you want info about... or unclick the boxes that are not relevant. Easy, breezy!
TEXTS: For text messages just reply STOP to any text message with news or events outside your area of interest. Each text message should indicate what area it's for. If you want to ADD an area to receive messages from, follow the instructions here:
Text “beaumont” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Beaumont Area satellite.
Text “bexar” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Bexar County satellite.
Text “brazos” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Brazos Valley satellite.
Text “collin“ to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Collin County satellite.
Text “cross timbers” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Cross Timbers region satellite (Granbury area).
Text “dallas“ to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Dallas County satellite.
Text “denton” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Denton County satellite.
Text “harris” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for any of the Harris County satellites (NW Harris, Katy Area, Bay Area).
Text “hill country” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Hill Country satellite (Austin area).
Text “longview” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Longview Area satellite.
Text “lubbock” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Lubbock County satellite.
Text “rgv” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Rio Grande Valley satellite.
Text “rwk” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Rockwall/Kaufman Counties satellite.
Text “tarrant” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Tarrant County satellite.
Text “williamson” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for the text alerts for the Williamson County satellite.
For all other areas, text “true” to 866-621-3122 to sign up for general text alerts from TTP. If you have signed up for any of the specific locations, you are automatically signed up for this one as well.
3. Every now and then I have to send you a message that gets very real, and this is one of those times. We have some housekeeping we can all work to fix.
For years now, True Texas Project (and previously NE Tarrant Tea Party) has held an annual "Texas Tough" party, and the funds raised at that gala kept us going for the year. In fact, in the early days, it was enough to keep us going for two years, and so we only held one every other year! We built a very comfortable cushion in our account as we hummed along.
Well, things aren't quite what they used to be. This past year we had enough to do what we do, but only because we had that cushion to fall back on. We actually operated at a deficit. (I mentioned in a previous email that our 2nd largest donor has decided to no longer support any political activity -- to any organization, not just True Texas Project).
Now, it's not the end of the world - we are still in the black. So we are not to the point of being worried about it, but we do have to let you know so that you can come alongside and help!
And we are confident you'll want to help because you know that TTP is very effective at what we do:
Education: meetings with top-notch speakers in nearly 20 locations every single month
Training: Classes on how to be the most effective activist - for our people, for outside clubs that request us, and now even for youth!
Action: Regular opportunities to put your training into practice in all levels of government
Here’s how we know it works…
ÞWe are the largest and fastest-growing conservative grassroots organization in the state.
ÞWe have an 80% win rate with our supported candidates.
ÞWe are known and feared throughout the Capitol in Austin
ÞWe’re taking over county commissions, school boards and city councils around the state!
You know what we’re doing works, but the work isn't done!
The Right has been handed a mandate to turn things around both in the nation and in Texas. What will we do with it? Sadly, we know politicians tend to squander golden opportunities, so it’s up to We The People to hold them accountable.
Help us do that!
Did you know...?
$50 pays for a tank of gas for a group headed to Austin.
$25 pays to print white papers to distribute to all the legislators. $20 buys a snack to refuel those who spend the day at the Capitol on our behalf. $15 gets flyers about True Texas Project to 50 new Texas residents.
How much can you give?
So that's it... those are my 3 fixes, but that last one really depends on you. Please be generous so we can save Texas together!
Remember, if you pledge at least $25/month, you get a free t-shirt! Monthly pledges are our lifeblood!
TTP SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE IS SATURDAY! Our 2024 Essay Contest has fabulous prizes, and not a lot of students enter. Tell the teens in your life! Click here for full scholarship details.
TTP@Home Podcast
Our most recent podcast is a conversation Fran and I had with Rafael Cruz. We learned a lot about this incredible man. We talked about Cuba, about the holidays, about his son Ted Cruz, and so much more. Check it out! [Note: we take December off from TTP meetings and the podcast. Our next show will drop Jan 3.]
Whew! We had 34 items on our calendar for TTP events in November, and we're down to the last 4! And that's a slow month! Don't miss your opportunities to get plugged in. Remember, iron sharpens iron. We need to be hanging together!
We don't host meetings in December (just a few parties!), so get to a gathering in November while you can!
Coming up - EVERYONE is invited!
THIS WEEK - ONLY 10 SPOTS LEFT November 27th - Friendsgiving Potluck & Hymn Sing This event began as a gathering in the McCarty home for those who had no Thanksgiving plans of their own. Soon, it became too big for a house, and we moved it to a community room. It's so popular, we host it again every year! All are welcome, single or family! If you are looking for a place to share gratitude with friends, this is it! Or check our events for one local to you.
December 12th - True Texas Christmas - Dueling Pianos A statewide party for all! Held in the Christmas Capital of Texas... Make a weekend of it, starting with this incredibly fun, interactive music show! After the show, we negotiated a special hotel rate so you can stick around and enjoy all Grapevine has to offer during the holidays. This will be here before you know it, get your tickets while you still can!
Save the date! On the morning of Saturday, January 11, we're bringing author and speaker Meg Basham to Grapevine! Watch for details, and make plans now to travel as needed.
Thanks for being part of the True Texas army!
For the love of Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO True Texas Project
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our movement. TrueTexasProject.com NOTE: TTP does NOT pay a fee to WinRed for using their donation site. We only pay a processing fee to the credit card company (and you have the option to cover it).
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