Here's our round-up of this week's must-read posts.
This week in our round-up of must-read posts: Say Something about NPS's horrible DC public space track record (in contrast, saying less may be more for the 11th St bike lanes). Mostly people from Chevy Chase had the microphone at the Montgomery County listening sessions. CaBi breaks their annual ridership record two months before the end of the year. Maryland budget cuts threaten the state's bicycle and pedestrian plans. UMD's proposed parking lots near the future site of its Purple Line station can squander opportunity to create more walkable, and transit-focused development.
Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director), Alex Baca (DC Policy Director) • November 22, 2024

This week on Do Something: grumble about the National Park Service; 11th Street bike lanes; what’s wrong with public meetings in Montgomery County; and Georgia Avenue bus lanes.
Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director) • November 18, 2024

We looked at who signed up for Montgomery County’s “listening sessions” on a housing proposal and one-third of them came from a single zip code. As many people from zip code 20815, which includes Chevy Chase, signed up for the listening sessions as the next six zip codes combined.
Samuel Littauer (Contributor) • November 20, 2024

Capital Bikeshare recorded a record-breaking 5.2 million rides in 2024, and broke its monthly ridership record for the sixth consecutive month in October.
Ethan Goffman (Contributor) • November 19, 2024

Budget tradeoffs put some of the Maryland Department of Transportation’s bigger plans for biking infrastructure at risk, advocates say.
Steve Hartig • November 21, 2024

Prince George’s County has plans for transit-oriented development along the Purple Line. Why is the University of Maryland proposing more surface parking lots?