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August General Body Ballot Information and Nominate a Comrade for Internal Organizing Committee Chair


Nominations are being accepted for the open Metro DC DSA Internal Organizing Committee Chair position!

The Internal Organizing Committee deals with crucial issues of membership recruitment and retention, oversee the Member Mobilizer's program, oversee and help run training, and assist in political education efforts.

They hep run our incredible Socialist Night School program, helping educate comrades about topics such as Socialism 101, social reproduction theory, and the American labor movement.

Please nominate a comrade who you know is passionate about helping Metro DC DSA develop and grow internally.

Prospective candidates and members can talk to each other at events, on Slack, or on the MDC DSA online forum for which invites should be going out soon.

The August General Body Meeting Ballot is also out. There are three items on the ballot
  • The proposed amendment to the reimbursement resolution
  • The amended reimbursement resolution
  • The unamended reimbursement resolution

Please vote on the amendment and if you support the amended version of the Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies, the unamended version of the Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies, or both.

The overall Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies will be dependent on the amendment. If the amendment passes, only the item on the amended Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies will be considered. If the amendment fails, only the item on the unamended Resolution to Designate Earmarked Monies will be considered.

In Solidarity,

Metro DC DSA
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