The most annoying guy ever being…
annoying? Are we the only ones who saw this coming?

If you haven’t read the story, we
implore you to. It’s comedy gold. Apparently Elon is just roaming
around with Trump constantly, and it’s really starting to ruffle some
feathers. He’s on the plane, he’s by the pool, he’s on the golf
course, he’s in the dining room… sounds like a nightmare
Our favorite nugget of info is that
he’s already trying to shape Trump’s government. Remember that
ad we released a couple
days ago? Yeah, that wasn’t BS. He’s already getting into heated
arguments with aides over cabinet appointments, he’s already coming up
with his own policies, and most unsurprisingly of all, he’s already
trying to figure out how to get a return on his investment.
What investment, you ask? Oh, just
the $120 million he threw at the Trump campaign in order to secure his
cabinet position. That’s a good chunk of change. In fact, you may say
that Elon propelled Trump to victory a couple weeks ago. He rigged the
town square, he donated more than anybody else, he persuaded the tech
bros. Trump owes this guy. Big time.
As we mentioned before, it’s only
been two weeks. And the pair aren’t even in office yet. But once these
two start working in the same building and the American people start
demanding answers, things are only going to get worse. And even though
Trump is known for, ahem, firing his “best people,” we’re not sure
Trump can pull the plug here. In fact, if we had to guess, it’s Elon
who may pull the plug on Donald.
This is what we're up against.
We're digging in for a long fight that requires constant vigilance.
you with us?
-The Lincoln Project