Our nation’s founders were very clear, John: No one is above the law.
But earlier this year, the Supreme Court tossed out centuries of precedent and granted Trump “absolute immunity” that would likely protect him from accountability for his actions on January 6th.
Where’s the justice in that, John?
If the highest court in the nation won’t defend our democracy, we have no choice but to fight back.
The No Kings Act would invalidate the extreme Trump immunity ruling and say clearly that presidents do NOT have immunity for criminal actions.
Add your name RIGHT NOW and demand that Congress pass the No Kings Act and protect our democracy. |
In her dissenting opinion on the absolute immunity ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote, "In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law."
We CANNOT allow Trump to enter the White House with the power of a king.
We CANNOT let our elected officials break the law with impunity.
We CANNOT let this threat to our democracy go unanswered.
We have less than two months to go until Trump takes power. Congress needs to act NOW. Add your name today and tell your representatives to pass the No Kings Act. |
NextGen America