From Confirm Judges Now (via MoveOn) <>
Subject Tell Senate Democrats to fill the 23 vacant judicial seats before Trump and the new Senate take office NOW!
Date November 22, 2024 5:42 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Tell Biden and Senate Democrats: Confirm as many judges as possible
before Trump and the new Senate takes office!


Maggie from Demand Justice here. I wanted to make sure you saw the email I
sent last week. Time is running out for President Joe Biden and Senate
Democrats to fill critical judicial vacancies before the new Senate and
Donald Trump take office. 

Federal judges are lifetime appointments—and there are currently 23
pending nominations. This is our only opportunity to fill these vacancies
with fair and just judges before Trump stacks courts around the country
with even more extremists who will jeopardize our freedoms and

[ [link removed] ]Will you join thousands of MoveOn members and add your name to the

In Trump's first presidential term, he confirmed a record number of
federal judges and shaped a conservative judiciary with devastating
consequences. And in the 2020 lame duck, Trump and Senate Republicans
worked fast to confirm 14 judges after Election Day—including Judge Aileen
Cannon, who has now unjustly helped shut down the classified documents
case that could hold Trump accountable for his crimes.^1

The stakes are too high to wait and let Trump and Senate Republicans fill
these judicial vacancies. We must act now.

[ [link removed] ]Senate Democrats must act swiftly and do whatever it takes, including
working evenings and weekends, to confirm qualified judges while they
still can. Will you sign the petition?

What we do—or don't do—over these next few weeks is going to have an
impact on the judiciary for decades to come. The courts should represent
all of America, with judges who respect and uphold justice for everyone.
Together, we can bring more balance and fairness to this branch of
government. But that requires acting boldly and ensuring our elected
officials fill all the vacancies they can. 

[ [link removed] ]Click here to add your name and urge President Biden and Senate
Democrats to do whatever it takes to prioritize confirming judges now!

Thanks for all you do. 

–Maggie Jo Buchanan, Managing Director at Demand Justice

P.S. See our email below from last week on why these judicial
confirmations are so important and why we need them to be the focus during
the lame duck. 


1. "Trump demands the lame-duck president not do what he did as a lame
duck," The Washington Post, November 13, 2024
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[ [link removed] ]Will you sign the petition to urge President Biden and the Senate to
confirm as many judges as possible in these next four weeks?

Dear MoveOn member,

We are preparing now for a Donald Trump presidency. We know that the worst
and most unconstitutional policies he will try to pass will be battled out
through the courts—and so does Trump. That's why in his last term, Trump
stacked the courts—appointing more than 200 judges to the federal bench.^2
And he's poised to do the same thing come January 2025.

Let's be clear: Trump's nominees have, and will continue to, put in place
policies that are contrary to the values of the American people.

With only a few weeks left before the new Congress and incoming Trump
administration, it is now more urgent than ever that Democratic senators
do whatever it takes to confirm judges in the lame duck.

[ [link removed] ]Right now, there are 29 judicial nominees awaiting Senate confirmation
votes. We have to act urgently to confirm as many judges as possible. Will
you add your name to the petition and urge President Biden and the U.S.
Senate to take action NOW to fill current vacancies in the federal courts
before Trump takes office?

Demand President Biden and the U.S. Senate to do whatever it takes to
confirm judicial vacancies immediately!

[7]Sign the petition

In just four years, President Biden and the Senate have confirmed 215
judicial nominees—including historic Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown
Jackson. The majority of these appointments were women and people of
color, increasing the racial diversity of the federal courts.^3 But with
Trump poised to take over the White House in just a couple of months, we
have to work quickly to fill all vacant judicial positions before Trump
and Senate Republicans start stacking the courts with extremists again.

[ [link removed] ]The Senate needs to be creative in their efforts. Whether it's working
weekends or staying late–judges must be a priority. Add your name to the
petition to urge Congress to work swiftly!

Over the next four years, roughly 250 circuit and district court judges
are, or will become, eligible to take a form of semi-retirement which
allows them to be replaced. On top of the current and known future
vacancies in states with two Republican senators, there is a very real
chance that Trump will get to appoint another 200+ lower-court judges. Not
to mention the fact that, depending on retirements at the highest level of
our judicial system, he will also likely get to appoint at least two more
Supreme Court justices.^4 A next Trump presidency is going to dramatically
shape the courts for decades to come.

The negative impact Trump's appointments will have on our rights and
freedoms cannot be understated. We've already seen the damage the current
Trump justices and judges have unleashed on our civil rights. All three
Trump Supreme Court justices were part of the majority in Dobbs v. Jackson
Women's Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade.^5 And Trump's
circuit court judges have repeatedly authored or joined anti-worker
opinions, including cases which made it harder to file discrimination

This is our last chance to act to confirm judges who will help protect our
fundamental rights and serve as the last line of defense to uphold our
nation's laws and the Constitution.

[ [link removed] ]Add your name to the petition, and then share with three friends to
help spread the word and put pressure on President Biden and the Senate to
act NOW.

Thanks for all you do. 

–Maggie Jo Buchanan, Managing Director at Demand Justice


2. "How Trump compares with other recent presidents in appointing federal
judges," Pew Research Center, January 13, 2021
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

3. "US Senate Democrats rush to confirm judges before Trump takes office,"
Reuters, November 12, 2024
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

4. "Trump's justices decisive in long campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade,"
Reuters, June 24, 2022
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

5. "Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears: The Continuing Harm Caused by
Confirmed Trump Federal Judges," People For, April 5, 2019
[link removed]

6. Ibid.

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It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us
to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop
working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy.
MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26
years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way

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