Dear John,
After two years of intense negotiations, the 5th and final planned session to agree on a UN Global Plastic Treaty is scheduled to conclude on December 1, 2024. The Treaty, once agreed, will have widespread implications for plastic law around the world, as well as the businesses, activists, journalists, lawyers, and many others working on plastic issues.
Join Plastic Pollution Coalition on December 12, 2024, for a discussion with legislative, advocacy, and media experts about the UN Plastic Treaty, and the importance of continuing to advance and track plastic policy at all levels. One critical tool to monitor progress and implementation is the Global Plastic Laws database and resource center, which we will also present.
Joining the discussion will be Dr. Jamala Djinn, Science/Policy Advisor, Break Free From Plastic; Jennifer Gleason, Law Program Director, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide; Shane Trimmer, District Director at the
U.S. House of Representatives – Office of Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-02); and Joseph Winters, Staff Writer, Grist. The webinar will be moderated by Madison Dennis, Project Manager, Plastic Pollution Coalition.
DATE: Thursday, December 12 TIME: 2-3:15 pm PT | 5-6:15 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone.
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Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested
We look forward to your participation!
With gratitude,

Jen Fela Vice President, Programs & Communications Plastic Pollution Coalition |