JBS, the largest meat producer in the world, has long been linked to serious environmental destruction and human rights abuses across Brazil.
JBS's suppliers are using chemicals similar to the deadly Agent Orange, poisoning the soil, water, and wildlife in the Pantanal ecoregion, endangering human health and biodiversity in this unique and fragile ecosystem.
On top of this chemical pollution, JBS is also illegally deforesting massive areas of precious forest and savanna – destroying endangered animals' habitats and Indigenous communities' traditional lands.
As JBS seeks to expand its empire through Wall Street listing, investors are raising the alarm about the company's reckless environmental destruction, lack of accountability, threats to Indigenous communities, and unsustainable business practices... NOW's the best time to demand change:
Tell JBS: STOP the destruction – clean up your supply chain NOW.
JBS destroys the Amazon to produce pasture for cattle – much of which feeds directly into JBS's own supply chain. This illegal activity threatens fragile ecosystems, accelerates climate chaos, and harms Indigenous communities.
A recent report exposed JBS for failing to prevent sourcing from suppliers involved in illegal deforestation and encroachment on Indigenous lands. JBS violates both Brazilian law and global standards for environmental stewardship and human rights.
In the face of the climate crisis, it is unacceptable for a giant like JBS to ignore the destruction in its supply chain. By implementing a transparent traceability system that identifies and excludes suppliers involved in deforestation, land grabbing, and other illegal activities, JBS can lead the industry toward a more sustainable and just future.
As the largest meat processor in the world, JBS has the responsibility and power to protect communities, ecosystems, and the climate. All it needs to take meaningful action is a massive global movement demanding it – join the call:
Tell JBS: STOP the destruction – clean up and implement a traceability system for your supply chain NOW.