These remarkable queer youth are creating change in Hawaii! No images? Click here ![]() Happy Friday, John We have an exciting update from our Programs & Operations Manager, Ariella, about some remarkable young people in Hawaii, but first — we wanted to share with you our latest EduGuide . "Living Your Truth" is available in English and Spanish and takes you through the It Gets Better stories of Olivia Julianna, Chella Man, Hippy Potter and more. Download for free right now for use in your classroom, GSA, community center or wherever learning takes place. And now, on to our news from Hawaii. ..... When I think about our grantee in Hawaii (which I do often), one word comes to mind: JOY. I am always so excited for October to come around because I know it’s Honolulu Pride, an event students attend with the support of our 50 States. 50 Grants. 5000 Voices program. This year, roughly 100 students from seven Gender & Sexualities Alliance Clubs attended Pride, decked out with handmade signs and a trolley helping them navigate the streets of Honolulu. John, you can make moments like this happen for LGBTQ+ students all around the country. Can we count on you to make a donation today? Just look at what seventh-grader Sophiya had the honor of experiencing at Pride. “A kūpuna (Hawaiian word for ‘grandparent’ or honored elder) took an It Gets Better button and told me, ‘I'm in my 70s and I'm living proof it does get better.’ People were so happy to see us, and the crowd cheered louder when they saw we were students. It was such an awesome pride!" “What more powerful way to tell queer youth ‘It Gets Better’ than to show them the vibrant community that is, and will be, there for them in their futures,” faculty advisor Sarah observed. It’s moments, quotes, and photos like these that remind us of the power of our work. Of our ability to connect LGBTQ+ youth to each other and their communities. Of our responsibility to mentor and help shape the LGBTQ+ leaders of tomorrow by walking side-by-side supporting them today. You can help us keep grant projects like this and programs like 50 States. 50 Grants. going. Since 2021, we’ve distributed more than $1.3 million to 140+ grant projects around the country. John can we count on your support today to help fund more projects in 2025? Joy is resistance. Joy is essential. We can not allow joy to be taken away from LGBTQ+ youth. Help us continue our support of queer joy across the country by pledging your support. Stay Proud! Ariella Assouline The It Gets Better Project is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to uplift, empower, and connect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth around the globe. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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