We don’t have time to waste

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Hi John,

The federal elections are just around the corner. Now more than ever, we need to demand meaningful action on plastic pollution, so the newly elected government can start moving Canada towards a plastic waste-free environment.

In early June, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an ambitious commitment to ban certain single-use plastics as early as 2021.

This is great news! But with the federal election only a few months away, we need all party leaders to make a commitment to reduce plastic pollution, ban single-use plastics, and hold producers responsible for the plastic waste they create. 

With every minute that goes by more and more plastic pollution continues to pile up around us. We don’t have time to waste.

Tell all the party leaders that Canada needs a strong national commitment to end plastic pollution.

Canada deserves an environment free of plastic waste. We’ve made it this far—let’s not lose momentum now!

Thank you for adding your voice to ours.

Vito Buonsante
Program Manager, National Plastics

P.S. Our work to protect Canada’s environment is not possible without your support. Please support our campaign with a donation today.



Environmental Defence Canada - 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

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