America is safely starting to re-open.
For weeks we have been pushing to safely re-open our country to let the American people return to work, and now we are beginning to see just that. Cities, counties, and states across our nation are starting to ease lockdown restrictions, allowing businesses to re-open, Americans to return to work, and our economy to come back to life.
This is the only practical long-term solution to the problem we now face, but Congressional Democrats just don’t seem to understand that.
Earlier this week, Nancy Pelosi & Congressional Democrats released their proposal for a $3 trillion Phase 4 bailout package. Although it was called a Coronavirus “relief” bill, this bill was obviously not intended to provide relief to the American people.
Instead Nancy Pelosi & her fellow Democrats, once again, tried to exploit the global pandemic to promote and fund their political agenda. From blue state bailouts, to a bailout of the US Postal Service, to nullification of voter ID laws, Democrats released a 1,815 page wish-list of socialist policy proposals.
The bill will obviously go nowhere, even if it passes along party lines in the House. Just like the Democrats’ partisan impeachment, it will be stopped in the Senate.
Additional bailouts are not the answer, and we shouldn’t even entertain the idea of another dime of partisan spending. The path forward is clear...
It’s time to re-open America and let our great American workers work again!
National Day of Action!
Tuesday, May 19th is Call Your Governor Day! Call your Governor with one of these messages, depending on the situation in your state:
As Americans are working hard to reopen, we also want to protect those at highest risk. We are all learning how to balance lives and livelihoods.
I have a request from some very important people in DC. They would like to know more about what is happening on the ground in areas that are starting to reopen - success stories if you will - about the businesses who have reopened and those who are working, shopping, and doing business in those areas.
If you are an employee or a business owner who has been back to work or if you have been shopping, to your doctor, to get your hair, nails, etc. done, will you please take 5 - 10 minutes to fill out this form and tell me about your experiences? This is a time-sensitive request.
In response to the economic crisis we currently face, we are launching the Balance the Pain Petition.
Our message is clear: We, the American people, are experiencing the worst economic crisis in almost a century – a crisis caused not by a virus, but by clumsy, onerous government-imposed lockdowns on what are offensively called “non-essential” businesses and their “non-essential” jobs.
If the American people are forced to take a pay cut due to government-imposed lockdowns, Washington elites should too.
We, the American people, are experiencing the worst economic crisis in almost a century – a crisis caused not by a virus, but by clumsy, onerous government-imposed lockdowns on what are offensively called “non-essential” businesses and their “non-essential” jobs. Sign the petition...
Are there any two words in the English language more depressing than “closed indefinitely”? If there are, I’m certainly not aware of them...
As our nation struggles to deal with the government’s response to the COVID-19 virus, many have lost jobs, many have lost patience, and – perhaps most importantly – many have lost hope.
That means one of the most important things our national leaders can do is to speak to us in positive terms about the hopeful future they see for us when we come out of the current crisis.
That’s why I’m proposing a new communication strategy to re-open the country. As our nation struggles to deal with the government’s response to the COVID-19 virus, many have lost jobs, many have lost patience, and – perhaps most importantly – many have lost hope. Read more...
The Chinese Communist Party’s actions during this pandemic have been unacceptable.
Not only did they fail to contain this deadly virus after they were aware of its existence, they knowingly and willingly withheld vital information and misled the world, allowing the virus to quickly spread and turn into a global pandemic.
Their actions have proven that China should not be viewed as a “partner,” rather a dangerous adversary. Thursday’s breaking news regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to pull approvals for dozens of mask makers in China proves the point: China must now be seen as an adversary. Read more...
In an effort to fight the rampant disinformation from the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media, concerning the Coronavirus and the Trump Administration’s response, we have created a quiz.
This quiz provides the truth and indisputable facts concerning the coronavirus pandemic and the Trump Administration’s response.
This week we have gotten an even clearer look into the #ObamaGate scandal, surrounding the FBI & Obama Administration’s targeted attack against and “unmasking” of Michael Flynn.
Not only did we receive clarity on the depths of corruption from the FBI & Obama Administration, but we’ve also learned more about the judge on the Flynn case.
After learning more about the “rogue judge,” Mark Levin had strong words concerning the situation.
“Get him the hell off this case...” Mark Levin blasted U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan on “Hannity” Thursday, accusing him of going “rogue” in his handling of the case of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.. Read more...
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