Our next major fundraising deadline is 11:59PM TONIGHT and we need 182 grassroots supporters to give $10 to get us over the finish line. If you can, click here to make a contribution before 11:59 PM. 4X match is still active until midnight
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Hey John,

Our next major fundraising deadline is 11:59PM TONIGHT and we need 182 grassroots supporters to give $10 to get us over the finish line. 

Can you help?

If you can, click here to make a contribution before 11:59 PM. 4X match is still active until midnight

Your support won’t go unnoticed, John. I can’t wait to tell my team just who stood up and delivered when we needed it most. 

Donate here.

Thank you,


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Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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