The NCOSE Law Center has joined a brief to ensure that justice is served.
The NCOSE Law Center has joined a brief to ensure that justice is served.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Holding Backpage's owners accountable, countering "feminist porn" and more!

NCOSE Law Center Joins Brief to Prevent Backpage Owners from Avoiding Paying Damages to Sex Trafficking Victims

The infamous story of’s exploitation and trafficking of women and children is fairly well known at this point.
What is little known, however, is the raging battle being waged in the courts to prevent Backpage’s erstwhile former owners from absconding with millions of dollars in illegal profits made from their now-shuttered sex business. The former owners have been caught red-handed attempting to steal away their ill-gotten profits to prevent the victims from ever recovering a penny’s worth of compensation.
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No, Pornography Is Not Feminist

Christen Price, legal counsel for the NCOSE Law Center, powerfully deconstructs arguments that "feminist porn" advocates have attempted to use to defend the violence and exploitation of pornography.
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Mitigating the Public Harms of Pornography in Africa — The Way Forward

Alvin Winford has over 18 years of experience working on anti-exploitation efforts in Africa and is a National Center on Sexual Exploitation 2020 International Fellow. Here, he explores how pornography has negatively impacted the continent and opportunities for combating its destructive influence.
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U.S. Bishops Call on DOJ to Protect Victims from the Exploitation of Pornography

In the vein of similar efforts from members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, U.S.-based bishops for the Catholic Church have sent a letter to the United States Attorney General, William Barr, and the Department of Justice which calls on them to resume obscenity law enforcement. 
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Take Action Today:

With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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