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Fund Connection

A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
May 15, 2020
Why A Lack of Testing Data Has Led to Tragic Results

The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed more American lives in one month than the entire Vietnam War. A lack of testing — and a gap in critical information — has accelerated this tragedy. “That the United States is failing such a simple test of its capacity to protect public health is shocking,” writes the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D., in a perspective for the New England Journal of Medicine. Although the U.S. is awash in big data, we’ve failed at forecasting the spread of a major pandemic. Reopening state economies without accurate data, Schneider says, “seems a peculiarly American form of madness.”

A Lifeline for Medicaid Providers During COVID-19

Learn how Medicare’s accelerated payment program, which quickly disburses funding to providers in natural disasters and other crises, could be used by states during the COVID-19 pandemic to support those who rely on Medicaid payment to serve the nation’s most vulnerable people.

Short-Term Health Plans Spell Trouble for Those with COVID-19

Researchers reviewed 12 short-term health insurance plans sold in Georgia, Louisiana, and Ohio and found they offer less financial protection for COVID-19 treatment than plans that comply with the Affordable Care Act. They say policymakers could do more to ensure all health plans meet patients’ needs.

Is Coronavirus Testing a Scam? Will Next Year’s Flu Be Worse?

All we hear is “testing, testing, testing” before the economy can reopen: Is this a scam? Assuming this year is not that bad because we’re all under house arrest, will next year’s flu season be much worse? These and other questions are answered with wit and bad sports analogies in Corona Question Corner by the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D. Submit questions to [email protected].

Other Recent Publications
Medicare Advantage Plans Enrolling More People with Low Incomes, Complex Needs

Enrollment in private Medicare Advantage plans — now accounting for nearly a third of all Medicare beneficiaries — is becoming younger, poorer, and more racially and ethnically diverse. Researchers also note that complex medical and social needs are increasingly common. Find out how these plans might better address the needs of their most vulnerable enrollees.

#COVID19 is shining a light on the lack of coordination between Medicare and Medicaid and is uncovering new opportunities to better serve people eligible for both.

@Commonwealthfnd https://buff.ly/2AnVqaP
Doctors and Lawyers Work Together for Patients

On the latest episode of The Dose podcast, hear how a medical-legal partnership between the New York Legal Assistance Group and NYC Health and Hospitals helps some of the city’s poorest patients resolve legal problems that, if ignored, could take a toll on their health.

Other News
International Journalism Fellow Recognized

Alex B. Smith, a health reporter for KCUR-Kansas City/NPR and 2019 AHCJ International Health Study Fellow, was honored with a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award from the Radio Television Digital News Association. His documentary, How to Be Less Lonely, explores the United Kingdom’s nationwide campaign to address loneliness. Smith’s fellowship was supported by the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Commonwealth Fund.
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