Hello John,
How should rulers effectively balance their political endeavors with Christian values?
To answer this question...
Join Father John Strickland and ISI President Johnny Burtka as they explore the explore the lives of Constantine and Justinian—two Roman emperors who exercised effective leadership to grow the influence of Christianity in the first millennium."">

In this episode of Daring Greatly, Johnny and Father Strickland—an esteemed scholar and the Archpriest for the Diocese of the West—uncover:
- how political power can be utilized to promote Christian values,
- Constantine and Justinian's multidimensional roles as priest, prophet, and ruler,
- and how certain political structures can nurture a relationship between sacramental worship and statecraft.
Through Daring Greatly with Johnny Burtka, alongside notable guests like Erika Bachiochi, Lord Andrew Roberts, Allen Guelzo, and Michael Knowles, you will examine the lessons and legacies of history's greatest statesmen and political thinkers.
Click here to watch the newest episode!