Email from Massachusetts Republican Party MassGOP stands with MA families Friends, ICYMI, the MassGOP is calling on the Massachusetts Teachers Association to end the unlawful strikes on the North Shore immediately and return students and educators to the classroom. 📢 $245,000 How much the MTA spent on political candidates this cycle alone 9 Number of consecutive days the illegal teachers’ strike has disrupted MA families 10s of 1000s Families held hostage by the MTA’s reckless and illegal actions 0 Number of days students should be out of the classroom. You and I both know it - this illegal strike is hurting the very people the MTA claims to support. Parents are forced to pay out of pocket for childcare or miss work to stay home with their kids, all while classrooms remain empty and students lose valuable learning time. STAND UP FOR MASS FAMILIES WITH US At the end of the day, these strikes don’t help teachers or families—they only serve the MTA’s political objectives. The MassGOP stands firmly on the side of parents & students. It’s time for the MTA to do the right thing and put students ahead of their political posturing. And, it's long past time that the Healey-Driscoll Administration step up to end this situation. As state law stipulates, “No public employee shall..condone any strike.” But that’s exactly what the Administration is doing through their inaction. If you agree, join us → STAND WITH THE MASSGOP Thank you, Amy Carnevale Chair, MassGOP Massachusetts Republican Party | 85 Merrimac Street Suite 505 | Boston, MA 02114 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice